Formula 1 cancels the Russian Grand Prix due to invasion of Ukraine

"Based on the vision of our most important shareholders, it is impossible to hold the Russian Grand Prix under the current circumstances," they said in a statement.

Grand Prix en Rusia en 2021 © Rubin16 vía Wikimedia Commons
Grand Prix in Rusia in 2021 Photo © Rubin16 via Wikimedia Commons

This article is from 2 years ago

TheFormula 1, the most popular and prestigious international motorsport competition in the world, indicated this Friday that it will not race in Russia during 2022 after the invasion of Ukraine.

The decision, which was officially reported on the Formula 1 Twitter account, is a consensual measure by the FIA and the teams that compete in this event.

"On Thursday afternoon Formula 1, the FIA and the teams spoke about the position of our sport and the conclusion is that, with the vision of our most important shareholders,it is impossible to celebrate the Russian Grand Prix in the current circumstances," they state in their statement.

The organizers of the event point out that as a sports competition they visit different countries around the world with a positive vision that unites people and their nations. In recent days they have watched with sadness Russia's attack on Ukraine, they only wish for apeaceful resolution of the conflict.

The 2022 F1 season begins in Bahrain, from March 18 to 20.

HeRussian Grand Prix It joined the Formula 1 calendar in 2014. In the current season, the event was scheduled to be held on September 25 at the Sochi Olympic Park.

Since this Thursdayfour-time German Formula 1 champion Sebastian Vettel announced that he would not participate in the Russian Grand Prix, in reaction to disagreement with the invasion ofVladimir Putin to that country.

Vettel told the press that his opinion is that "he should not go" and that "it is a mistake to race in the country", a criterion that other Formula 1 teams joined in until the event in Russia was cancelled.

"I feel sorry for the innocent people who are losing their lives, who are being killed for stupid reasons and for very, very strange and crazy leadership," the 34-year-old pilot said.

Alsofootball associations of Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic They expressed that Russia should not host qualifying matches for the World Cup in March, due to the invasion that that government made to Ukraine, breaking peace in Europe.

In line with these requests, the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) said this Friday that theChampions League final will be held in Paris and not in Saint Petersburg as planned.

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, UEFA held an extraordinary meeting to decide which would be the new venue for the event. Remaining with the competition in Moscow was rejected due to the attitude of that government that compromises security and stability in Europe.

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