Cuban Ministry of Agriculture promises sanctions for animal abuse in the Boyeros rodeo

"The administrative, disciplinary and contraventional sanctions corresponding to those responsible who participated in this type of incident of animal abuse will be applied," the agency said.

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG) described therodeo show with cats that took place at the recent FIAGROP International Agroindustrial Food Fair, organized by the government, and announced that it will punish those responsible for the incident.

"The administrative, disciplinary and contraventional sanctions corresponding to those responsible who participated in this type of incident of animal abuse will be applied, being consistent with the approved policy and legal regulations," indicated a note published in theofficial page of the organism.

The event took place last Friday at the Rodeo ring at the Rancho Boyeros Fairgrounds, with a large audience and immediately sparked rejection from animal rights activists.

"The Ministry of Agriculture makes official its total disagreement and repudiates the performance carried out by the artists (clown) and the athletes of the national Rodeo team involved in the event," the statement said.

The MINAG recalled the Animal Welfare Decree-Law approved in 2021, and assured that the corresponding analyzes of the case will be carried out.

In the main broadcast of the Television News, the note was read, but the recording of the cat rodeo was not broadcast.

The Cuban activist for animal welfare who reported the event on his social networks, where he identifies himself as Vive como Daguerre, demanded that MINAGRI show the results of the analyzes it carries out.

"This cannot remain paperwork. It has to be PUBLIC knowledge," he demanded on his Facebook wall.

The Internet user was the one who shared the video of the rodeo with cats at the Boyeros fair, which unleashed an avalanche of indignant comments about the cruel show that the FIAGROP organizers offered as entertainment.

"What the F*C*N3S do you think to treat an animal like this? This is not fun, it is not a way to entertain anyone, this is abuse! (...) How can you educate an entire country if "In international events organized by the Cuban State and its companies act in this way?" he questioned.

The "attraction" consisted of several cowboys lassoing a cat that they brought to the ring in a sack, to release it in the middle of the men who were trying to catch it with the same sliding lasso that is used to lasso cattle and horses.

Other Cuban activists denounced the activity as an aberration and a practice of extremely cruel animal abuse.

"Continue to provoke animal activity and the rodeo will be another. We want exemplary punishments for cat criminals," warned the animal defender.Beatriz Batista.

The Cuban governmentapproved the Animal Welfare Decree-Law in 2021, after multiple pressures from civil society and animal protectors.

The norm defines as a contravention the act of "subjecting to abuse of any nature or other acts that endanger the health and well-being of animals", although on the other hand it authorizes cockfights organized by the clubs of the Flora Business Group and Fauna, under the command of Commander Guillermo García Frías.

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