Rodents, mosquitoes and pestilence in Havana garbage dump: "How long?"

Luis Lacosta has denounced on multiple occasions that the government does not react to the growing degradation of public space in Havana.

Basurero en La Habana © Facebook / Luis Lacosta
Garbage dump in Havana Photo © Facebook / Luis Lacosta

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban guyLuis Lacosta, former art director at the ICAIC, reported the presence of mosquitoes, rodents and bad smell in a garbage dump near his house, in the San Miguel del Padrón municipality, in Havana.

"Even when?" Lacosta asked himself in a post on Facebook, where on several occasions he has denounced the degradation suffered by the city's public spaces.

Facebook Luis Lacosta

"There is no one who lives in this village anymore.. What is the famous Popular Power doing in the worst Municipality of Havana, the capital of all Cubans? "Who can we turn to who will listen to us?" he said.

Luis Lacosta is a prominent Cuban scenic, costume and lighting designer. He is a member of the UNEAC and in his professional career he was closely linked to the ICAIC, as art director and set designer in countless feature films and short films, inside and outside Cuba.

Facebook Luis Lacosta

He and hisdisabled wife, are older adults, without resources to fix the problems at home, like thousands of Cubans who live precariously, especially since the island's government converted their pensions into ridiculous stipends, after approving the monetary unification process.

"DoesThree years the roof of my home began to leak and my first step was to go to UNEAC, of which I am a founding member, to the Radio, Film and Television section, which would make the pertinent arrangements in response to my request. The ICRT sent a brigade to assess the repair of the damages, the project was truncated when thechange from CUC to national currency, raising costs and postponing its execution due to the inflationary state," he said.

Facebook Luis Lacosta

Lacosta and his wife live in a vulnerable situation, which does not only affect them in theprivate space but also in thepublic space. The institutions have promised him help, but the years go by and they do not materialize. Their quality of life does not improve, their housing deteriorates more and more.

In mid-June he was one of the people who denounced and criticized the increase installs selling agricultural products in Cuban parks, due to the deterioration they cause to the urban landscape and the dirt that vendors leave everywhere.

He asked public institutions and the government of Havana to read social networks and respond to citizens' criteria, but later deleted the content of said publication, perhaps due to the scope of his complaint.

The increase in garbage on the corners of all neighborhoods in the capital, for its part, is a recurring complaint on Cuban social networks.

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