Jardiel poses in a Havana garbage dump: “Get a cleaning done Cuba”

In a hilarious satire, the Cuban comedian once again denounces the countless garbage dumps that swarm in Havana, the lack of cleanliness and the apathy of the leaders in the face of a problem that represents a risk to the health of citizens.

Jardiel does it again: Surprised by posing in one of the countless garbage dumps that swarm in Havana, to denounce, with his usual sarcasm, the lack of cleanliness in the Cuban capital and the indolence of the authorities facing a problem that represents a risk to the health of citizens.

“Get a Cleanse Cuba” is titled publication this Saturday on his social networks, which accumulates thousands of reactions and hundreds of comments that support the artist's humorous proposal.

In a hilarious satire, the Cuban comedian appears lying down and smiling in the middle of a huge garbage dump, in a corner of the Marianao neighborhood, where he lives, and shows off how “healthy” and “hygienic” it is to be in that place flooded with waste.

“Look how delicious, my friend. Look, what a healthier life, what a purer life,” he begins by saying, in a clear nod to the phrase made popular by the character of Estelvina, played by actress Aurora Basnuevo, on the radio program “Alegrías de sobremesa.”

“This is health, asere! Here there is a pharmacy and here there is a point where they sell food and things - he comments, pointing to both sides of the street -... and in the middle I am here, in my home, in my comfort, in my health. “This is something neat,” Jardiel ironically says.

Next, ask whoever is recording the video to enlarge the shot so that the extent of the garbage can can be seen.

“Open a little bit, open like that, look how nice, 76 and 47. Open a little bit. Well... Tell me... Suffer from universal cleaning, your stupid dog, pick this up, clean it up, that's what you have to do. "Pick this up, your pencooooo dog!" he exclaims, addressing - without saying it, although no one has any doubt - to the person(s) responsible for the garbage flooding the country's main city.

The former member of the comedy group Punto y Coma has focused his humor on social complaint, artfully criticizing the precarious state of the streets, the clogged drains and the lack of hygiene in the capital's neighborhoods, overflowing with debris and garbage, without the authorities taking action on the matter.

His satirical videos unleash laughter, but also make us reflect on the unfortunate reality that the people of Cuba are experiencing, victims of one of the worst economic, social and political crises in the history of the country.

Recently, the Cuban youtuber Dina Stars, who lives in Spain and was on vacation on the island, focused his followers' attention on one of the phenomena that is a “trend in Cuba”: proliferation of gigantic garbage dumps in the country's cities, particularly in Havana.

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