Camila Cabello does not hide and walks hand in hand with Austin Kevitch: The photos of their romantic date

The photos captured by the paparazzi of Camila Cabello and Austin Kevitch confirm their relationship. New partner!

Camila Cabello © Instagram / Camila Cabello
Camila Cabello Photo © Instagram / Camila Cabello

This article is from 1 year ago

It seems that Cupid once again shot the heart of the Cuban singer Camila Cabello. After weeks of rumors pointing to a new romance between the "Havana" singer and the businessman Austin Kevitch, the new photos that the paparazzi took of them confirm that we have a new couple of the moment!

The first time the two young people began to interact was in June, when they were caught giving a walking between smiles and knowing glances through Los Angeles. A few weeks later, in the same city, they were hunted by the paparazzi again. On this occasion, holding hands and sharing affectionate gestures.

These images would confirm that the 25-year-old artist born in Cojímar is excited again after her breakup with the Canadian singer Shawn Mendes. A separation that they announced through their social networks in November of last year.

At the moment, neither of them has confirmed or denied anything, but the images speak for themselves...

Meanwhile, we will have to wait to see if Camila Cabello finishes making her relationship with Austin Kevitch official.

Who is Camila Cabello's new love?

Austin Kevith is a 31-year-old businessman who would have met the artist through actor Nicholas Galitzine, with whom she co-starred Cinderella. The young man is co-founder of an exclusive dating application called Lox Club so he is not related to the music industry.

What do you think of their couple?

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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