Sewer water and garbage dumps worsen dengue situation in Guantánamo

The dumping of sewage on streets, sidewalks and other areas where many residents live and transit constitutes a serious problem for the health of Guantanamo residents.

This article is from 1 year ago

Thegarbage dumps and sewage spills increase the incidence of dengue inGuantanamo, and aggravate an already critical situation due to the lack of fuel for fumigation.

The problems with sewage and solid waste collection are two of those that most affect the population of the city of Guantánamo, indicated a report from local television.TvSolvision. The dumping of sewage on streets, sidewalks and other areas where neighbors live and transit constitutes a serious health problem.

These sites are favorable for mosquito reproduction.Temples of the Egyptians, transmitterdengue and other diseases.

Fumigation is essential but the necessary resources are not available to carry it out on a massive scale. Instead, the authorities recommended that the population carry out continuous checks of the patios and gardens to eliminate containers that contain water and thus destroy possible mosquito breeding sites.

In the current summer season, where conditions are conducive to the appearance of rain, the population was asked to take extreme cleaning measures to prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes.

The infestation rates of the insect continue to worry the authorities due to their increase and aggravate the epidemiological situation of the province, which recently also experienced arise in coronavirus infections.

Given the lack of fuel that paralyzes massive fumigation actions, it is decided to appeal to the hygiene of the population so that unhealthiness does not worsen the situation.

The inaction of Communal Services and Aqueduct companies causes the accumulation of garbage and unstoppable streams of wastewater.

Health authorities warned earlier this month thatthe biggest spike in dengue infectionsIt would occur in September and October according to the historical behavior of the virus, which is worrying due to the lack of material resources and medicines to face an epidemic.

This was recently revealed by Rafael González Ramírez, an epidemiology specialist at the Provincial Hygiene Center, who admitted that infections began to increase since the end of May and there are no resources necessary to deal with the spread of dengue.

The only possible option is to ask the population to reduce the focus on their own homes and neighborhoods, he said at the time.

In the first week of August, 600 cases of dengue were confirmed in that territory after carrying out reactive IgM tests on more than 1,150 people who presented at healthcare centers with febrile symptoms.

The situation is serious. This year the levels of infection caused in the country by the mosquitoTemples of the EgyptiansThey exceeded the values registered in the same period of 2021 by almost 50%.

Specifically, dengue and its severe forms have increased, such as dengue hemorrhagic fever, which has caused some deaths.

In other provinces it has also been alarmingthe increase in garbage dumps and unhealthiness that favor the emergence of mosquito larvae; while in some territoriesthey remain alert to the multiplication of dengue cases.

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