Government warns that the risk of getting dengue fever is high in Cuba

The provinces with the highest incidence rate of suspected dengue cases are Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Guantánamo, Las Tunas, Matanzas and Mayabeque, as well as the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud.

Prueba de dengue (imagen de referencia) © MINSAP
Dengue test (reference image) Photo © MINSAP

This article is from 1 year ago

Hegovernment warned this Monday that therisk of getting sickdengue in Cuba it is high due to increased mosquito infestation rates Temples of the Egyptiansin all the country.

Although in the last five weeks there has been "a decrease in the speed of transmission of the virus", the risk of getting sick continues to be high, warned the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) in astatement.

After concluding week 37 of the year, the provinces with the highest incidence rate of suspected dengue cases areSantiago de Cuba, Havana, Guantánamo, Las Tunas, Matanzas and Mayabeque, and the special municipalityIsle of Youth, admitted the Cuban health authorities.

The highest concentration of mosquito outbreaks in the current focal treatment cycle was reported in Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Camagüey, Holguín, Matanzas, Villa Clara and Pinar del Río, according to the official MINSAP note, while the greatest delays “ in the development of these actions” are today in Mayabeque and Santiago de Cuba.

“In the 43.1% of the blocks that have tested positive atTemples of the Egyptians The presence of the mosquito continues, an indicator that shows the quality problems that persist in the fight against the vector. The highest indicators in this aspect are found in Holguín, Santiago de Cuba, Sancti Spíritus, Havana, Las Tunas and the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud,” the institution reported.

Although intensive actions are being carried out in the highest-risk municipalities and “positive results are seen in containing the virus,”It has not been possible to stop transmission or the increase in the incidence rate of suspected cases, acknowledged the MINSAP.

71.5% of the sources of the dengue transmitting agent are found in water tanks, which is why it was requested not to stop surveillance and autofocus in homes, workplaces and educational institutions where the liquid is stored.

Given the increased risk of contracting dengue, the authorities insisted on not ignoring the presence of symptoms that indicate the existence of the disease.

“Manifestations such as abdominal pain, vomiting, fluid accumulation, mucosal bleeding, irritability, drowsiness, fainting and others may indicate that the critical phase and the period of aggravation have begun,” they warned.

The MINSAP warning about the danger of getting dengue becomes more insistent as the period of highest incidence of this disease on the island approaches.

Recently the government warned thatA wave of dengue could occur in October and November in the country, taking into account the data on the behavior of the disease.

At the end of last week,transmission of the virus was confirmed of dengue in all Cuban provinces.

Complications derived from the disease have led to the death of patients in many territories. In Santiago de Cuba, one of the provinces with the highest incidence of suspected cases,a girl died due to dengue hemorrhagic fever in a hospital in the municipality of Contramaestre.

Alittle girl of only 9 years old, a resident of the Guanabacoa municipality, in Havana, also lost his life due to this disease, from which health workers have not been able to escape either.

The nurseNelly Sánchez Espinosa, who worked at the Cabaiguán Maternal Hospital, in Sancti Spíritus, died last Thursday as a result of dengue.

In the Habana,a young Cuban mother died also, after contracting dengue, according to people close to the family.

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