The children of Cuban actor Frank Artola They were sent to prison, after remaining in instruction cells, according to family information shared on networks
“Today they transferred my children to prisons, until hours ago they were in instruction cells. Arrested and beaten by this legion of brave men!”, denounced the actor on his Facebook profile.
The mother of both young people, Ibis Plasencia, also commented in Facebook that “even if I have to knock on the last door, the door of heaven, I promise you your freedom. God with us".
On Monday, activist Salomé García Bacallao said in Twitter that the brothers were transferred on Monday from the police station at 100 and Aldabó, in Havana, to different prisons under precautionary measures while awaiting trial.
Sources close to the family told CyberCuba, that Hillary Gutiérrez, 26, was transferred to the Mujeres de Occidente prison, although at the time of writing this note it was unknown to which penitentiary center on the island her brother, Frank Artola, who is 17 years old, was sent.
After the imprisonment of both young people became known, the actor Erdwin Fernández Collado said in Facebook that “what we are experiencing is sad, I don't know if fear dehumanizes the human being, or if the human being is no longer so 'human'.”
“I was amazed and happy to see nearly 7,000 people writing to me for honoring a great artist, Corito. It amazes me even more to see no more than 200 people react when I come to the defense of a friend's children, Frank Artola , who currently needs the support of all his colleagues and friends, only 200 people, and maybe 10 colleagues and co-workers. "How far have we come?" commented the actor about the reactions to the arrest of two peaceful protesters.
Fernández Collado also assured that “we are here to support each other through the good and the bad, not just the good times.”
The children of actor Frank Artola were beaten during one of the peaceful protests that took place on Línea Street on October 1st, after Hurricane Ian, and arrested at 100 and Aldabó.
The young people were beaten at least twice before being taken to the police unit; As explained by independent filmmaker Adrián Martínez Cádiz, the moment was even recorded before the cameras of the foreign press accredited on the island.
"Frank is 17 years old, he is an exemplary teenager who attends the Línea parish, in Vedado. He suffered a fractured septum, split lips and one of his eyes swollen due to the blows received," described Martínez Cádiz.
For her part, her sister has a young daughter and was also arrested for peacefully participating in a protest against the blackouts and the government.
Actress Ketty de la Iglesia repudiated the act of repression against the two young Cubans and recalled that she has known Artola's son since he was a baby.
"His mother and I were pregnant in the same season, it was specifically during the recording of the series green coconut. "This all seems like a nightmare," he commented.
On that occasion, Erdwin Fernández Collado described the repressors of both brothers as beasts.
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