Yotuel to Beatriz Luengo on their 15th wedding anniversary: "I am more yours than mine"

The artists are celebrating 15 years since their first wedding this month, with messages and photos full of love and happiness.

Yotuel y Beatriz en su primera boda © Instagram / Yotuel
Yotuel and Beatriz at their first wedding Photo © Instagram / Yotuel

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban singerYotuel Romero He remembered this Wednesday the15 years since his first wedding with the actress, Spanish singer, songwriter and dancerBeatriz Luengo, held in Las Vegas in November 2007.

In a post on Instagram he expressed words full of love and romance for his wife: "Today we make 15 years of this photo, love. I'M MORE YOURS THAN MINE. LOVEUUUUUUUUUU."

Beatriz's loving response to her husband in a comment was immediate: "How quickly life passes by your side, My Yotu. I love you so much."

Many Internet users took advantage of the occasion to congratulate them and convey their love and admiration. One of them was the Cuban composer and producer Emilio Estefan, who commented: "Many congratulations and blessings. We love you very much."

Facebook/Yotuel screenshot

Meanwhile, on his Facebook account, Yotuel referred to one of the aspects that also unites them in a happy marriage: "Today 15 years ago from this photo, love. God brought us together again in this life to continue helping those most in need. ". And he closed with thehashtag #patriayvida.

Likewise, there are thousands of reactions and comments to this publication, with much admiration not only for the love and profession they share, but also for all the work they both do for the Cuban cause from music, art and political activism.

Beatriz, even though she was Spanish, was one of the composers of the song "Patria y Vida", which became the anthem of Cubans against the government..

"I married you and Cuba was tattooed on your heart. Always at your side my Yotu. Your fight is always my fight", wrote the Spanish singer in an Instagram post from her husband, in which the two are seen giving each other a long hug in the middle of a Cuban demonstration that occurred in Miami on July 11, 2022, celebrating one year of the great social outbreak. in Cuba.

How long have Yotuel and Beatriz been together?

Yotuel and Beatriz met in 2003 during the filming of the popular Spanish seriesA step forward, in which they both played a couple, Pavel and Lola, who lived together in a dance academy.

In November 2007, the artists were united for the first time in marriage, blessed by the Dominican musicianJuan Luis Guerra.

They have two children, fruits of their love: D'Angelo, affectionately called Didi, born in 2015; and the youngest of the family who is one and a half years old, Zoë. Additionally, Yotuel has a son of the same name, who was born in 2000 from a previous relationship.

They got married for the second time in Las Vegas on November 16, 2021, during their stay in that city for the Latin Grammy ceremony, in which the two won - along with Gente de Zona, Descemer Bueno, El Funky, Maykel Osorbo and producer Yadam González - awards for which "Patria y Vida" was nominated.

InInterview withPeople in spanish, when asked if there would be another ceremony, they announced thatThey will have a third wedding in 2023.

"By the time we turn 20! We met on February 3, 2003, and on February 3, 2023 I am going to get married in Spain in a Catholic wedding, which we have not had. And we already have the church booked and at that wedding My children are going to be a super part. Long live love!" expressed Beatriz.

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