They build the first cassava flour plant in Sierra de Cubitas, Camagüey

Cassava is used as an extender, a euphemism adopted by the ruling party to refer to a substitute for wheat flour.

Obras constructivas de la planta © Facebook / Dayanis Dutil Preval
Construction works of the plant Photo © Facebook / Dayanis Dutil Preval

This article is from 1 year ago

The government in Camagüey began the construction of the first cassava flour factory in Sierra de Cubitas, in the north of the province.

The investment will allow local Gastronomy companies to have a product that replaces wheat flour, in the midst of the crisis that the country is going through with this raw material, said official journalist Dayanis Dutil Preval.

Given the impossibility of producing bread and other foods, the Cuban authorities are opting for less popular alternatives such as cassava, banana or pumpkin, which are considered extenders, to change the formula and use the smallest amount of wheat flour.

In provinces such as Cienfuegos and Villa Clara, the use of this alternative in the production of food, which is part of the basic diet of Cubans, is already a reality.

Committed to the new formula, the experts consulted by the official press assurethat can replace up to 70% of wheat flour in the preparation of breads and pizzas.

However, the quality of the final product is not always as expected.In Taguasco, Sancti Spíritus, banana flour began to be used, but the bread that was sold to the population was black, which generated a negative state of opinion.

Added to the lack of flour are the blackouts that a large part of the population has been suffering for months, thereforeThey must resort to more rudimentary techniques such as firewood or charcoal to finish cooking the food.

One of the most media cases aboutlack of wheat flour in CubThis has been the one involving the Discalced Carmelite nuns of Havana and the Catholic Church who ran out of products to make hosts.

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