They ask for six years in prison for the father of a young man killed at the hands of the police in Santa Clara

The same police officer who shot his son now accuses Yosvani of carrying weapons (a stick), assault and disobedience.

Asesinato de Zinedine Zidane / Joven con su padre Yosvany Batista © Facebook / Yosvany Batista
Murder of Zinedine Zidane / Young man with his father Yosvany Batista Photo © Facebook / Yosvany Batista

This article is from 1 year ago

Yosvani Batista, the father of Zinedine Zidane Batista, he 17-year-old fatally shot by police in Santa Clara, faces a prosecutor's request for six years in prison after the alleged murderer of his son accused him of carrying weapons, attack and disobedience.

Journalist Mónica Baró reported on Facebook that Batista was accused by the police officer who killed his son on July 1, and that he is now on his way to the Villa Clara Military Prosecutor's Office to try to hire a lawyer.

"It was his son's own murderer, the policeman who shot Zidane in the chest while he was already wounded by a bullet and immobilized on the ground, who is accusing Yosvani of having tried to attack him with a machete," he stated. the reporter, who has in her possession an image where it is observed that "the weapon" that Batista carried was a stick.

"Yosvani is accused of carrying weapons, assault and disobedience, and the prosecution is asking for six years of deprivation of liberty," Baró added.

Post by Mónica Baró. Facebook

He denounced that in the videos of the crime it is clarified "who really abused his power, who abused his uniform and a firearm."

However, the prosecution is asking for the police officer's acquittal, the victim's family has reported.

Batista's trial is scheduled for the second half of December, but the man had not had the resources to hire a lawyer. Several activists sent him the money.

"I'm not afraid of what these communists are going to do to me, I don't care, but the murder of my son has to have justice," the man declared to the journalist.

Zidane Batista was murdered on July 1 in the middle of the street, while he was pinned to the ground and wounded between the legs of a police officer who then fatally shot him in the chest. The crime was recorded by dozens of witnesses at the scene.

Since then his father has demanded justice for the crime, which was justified by the Cuban government as an action in self-defense of the police officer. A few hours ago he wrote on Facebook: "Yesterday marked 5 months since your brutal murder and they want your murderer free of charges; but my oath in front of your coffin remains standing, I love you my son and I will not rest until the justice be done, whatever it costs me."

Post de Yosvani Batista. Facebook

The victim was the father of a baby girl who is now one year old and was one of the July 11 protesters arrested in Santa Clara.

The movement of Cuban women activists known as Las Taniadas has denounced the increase in police violence in Cuba in recent months and the impunity with which the State deals with these cases.

In a publication on September 1, he recalled that "Zinedine Zidane Batista was shot by police officer 15388 in the El Condado neighborhood in Santa Clara. A 17-year-old boy, black and poor. At the time of receiving the fatal shot, he was in on the ground, shot and handcuffed. After he died, he continued to be kicked. That is MURDER. He clarifies that his murderer is free and has not been punished.

"After that we have seen police beat 11-year-old girls in Pastelillo, Nuevitas. It happened on August 18, 2022. The girls have been subjected to surveillance and interrogations and filmed without the explicit consent of their mothers. Their relatives have been threatened with losing their care and custody. The abusive police officers have not been punished," they denounced.

They explain that a week later a beating of a citizen of Holguín came to light, unarmed, already handcuffed and who was not offering resistance, at the hands of a police officer who was twice his body weight. The citizen was accused of contempt; while the police officer was free and had not been punished.

Two days after that event, in the vicinity of El Salado Beach, other police brutally beat peaceful citizens, including women and children, and threw dogs at them. Despite this, the police officers were free, and have not been punished.

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