Mexican doctors will do specialties in Cuba

The agreement seeks to boost the demand for specialists in the state and in the country.

Equipo médico (imagen de referencia) © Facebook / Jose Hernandez
Medical equipment (reference image) Photo © Facebook / Jose Hernandez

This article is from 1 year ago

Mexican doctors will do specialties in Cuba,due to the lack of specialists in rural areas of the Aztec nation, as revealed by an agreement between the governor of the state of Michoacán and the Cuban ambassador in Mexico.

With the objective of“boost demand for specialists that exists in the state and in the country", the doctors will receive courses and academic programs in Cuba through the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), the Michoacan governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla and the Cuban official Marcos agreed in a meeting. Rodríguez Costa.

"In May (of this year) a letter was sent to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador requesting specialists because we lack them in rural areas and communitieswhere general doctors do not want to arrive and stay," said Ramírez Bedolla, reported in a note from the local newspaperThe Sun of Zamora.

Although the news outlet did not specify when the courses would begin or how much the Cuban government would receive for them, it highlighted that currently 300 Mexican doctors are specializing in Cuba through CONACYT and it is planned to include graduates from Michoacán with a scholarship from that institution. governmental.

According to the note, the Cuban Embassy in Mexico, the Government of Michoacán and the educational sector “will join forces to increase the number of active specialists.”

At the meeting where the agreement for medical specialties was established, the Cuban official pointed out that some 610 doctors from the country must be integrated into the health system in Mexico with the IMSS-Wellness model.

In his opinion, the 450 that have arrived have had “a great impact on care and services in several states of the country.”

The announcement comes amidcontroversies over the integration of Cuban doctors in Mexican clinics and hospitals as part of an agreement between the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and that of the island. Initially, the Mexican had proclaimed the hiring of some 500 doctors to “cover the positions” that he alleged remain deserted in the health sector in Mexico because they are located in remote areas; but later proclaimed that the number would increase to 641.

The indignation of Mexican doctors The hiring of those from the Caribbean nation did not take long. Some institutions such as the College of Surgeons in the city of La Paz, in Baja California Sur (BCS) questioned that the arrival of Cuban specialists was an unnecessary and incongruent measure with the supposed non-existence of positions in the Health sector.

“What would be the need to bring in other doctors? If those of us who are here meet the needs, we go to remote places, we even care for patients by telemedicine, we are waiting to cover disasters,” questioned the vice president of that entity.

Indocuments leaked to the Mexican press It was learned that due to the agreement signed between the IMSS (Mexican Social Security Institute) and the so-called Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, SA, the Cuban regime would receive a 'modest' quota of 1,177,300 dollars per month, at a fixed exchange rate of 20.70 pesos for every dollar and for one year.

The salaries received for working in “highly marginalized” areas, where “young Mexican doctors” have been murdered, will not be processed directly between the Mexican authorities and the Cuban doctors, but ratherwill be processed through the Ministry of Public Healthof Cuba (MINSAP) and Cuban Medical Services.

Businesses in the health area between the López Obrador government and the Díaz-Canel regime also cover the marketing of vaccines in the Aztec nation against coronavirus produced on the island.

At the end of November, the first batch of Abdala arrived in Mexico, as part of another agreement signed with the Mexican authorities last May.

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