Data provided by the Ministry of the Interior of Mexico revealed that that country has granted a total of almost 50 thousand humanitarian visas to Cuban citizens from 2022.
The majority of Cubans who seek escape the difficult economic conditions in your country They choose routes through several countries of the American continent, finally arriving at the northern border of Mexico. However, the change in the policy of admission of Cubans to the United States has led to an increase in the permanence of many of them in Mexico.
Of the 65,820 Cuban migrants detained in Mexico during 2022 and 2023, more than half, 33,695, received "exit notices," formally forcing them to leave the country, but allowing them to continue on their way to the northern border. Only a small number of them (6,193) were returned to Cuba, according to the newspaper Remodeling.
In addition, 49,978 Cubans have obtained visitor cards for humanitarian reasons, which give them the possibility of staying in Mexico, moving freely and working for one year. During the same period, 35,606 Cubans requested refuge in Mexico, of which 2,746 were recognized as refugees.
The figures reveal that Cubans can access various immigration conditions simultaneously or consecutively.
In the last two years, 9,548 Cubans obtained temporary resident cards in Mexico, allowing them to remain in the country for up to four years, with more than half obtaining this status through family reunification procedures and a significant proportion in Quintana Roo.
According to the information published in the website of the Ministry of the Interior, those people who wish to apply for a humanitarian visa in Mexico, in addition to filling out the relevant forms, must present documents that prove any of the following cases:
a) If you are offended, victim or witness of a serious crime in national territory: Public document issued by the competent authority from which said quality is derived, or agreement issued by the immigration authority based on the manifestation of the foreign person and other elements from which the character of witness or victim is derived. Original and copy
b) If you are an applicant for political asylum: Proof of receipt of the application by the SRE. Original and copy
c) If you are an applicant for refugee status: Certificate issued by COMAR. Original and copy
d) If you are requesting the determination of statelessness: Proof of initiation of the procedure for determining statelessness issued by the immigration authority. Original and copy
e) If they are girls, boys or adolescents who are subject to an international abduction and restitution procedure: Document that accredits the initiation of the restitution procedure issued by the SRE, or by the judicial authority. Original and copy
f) If you prove a degree of vulnerability that makes deportation or assisted return difficult or impossible: Document issued by a public institution; recommendation from COMAR or UNHCR, or request on letterhead from the consular representation of the country of origin or residence of the minor or written request from the National System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family, DIF State Systems or the Federal District (City of Mexico), in the case of unaccompanied migrant girls, boys and adolescents when it suits their best interest. Original and copy
g) If you are granted refuge or complementary protection: COMAR resolution in which your refugee status is recognized or you are granted complementary protection. Original and copy.
h) If you are granted political asylum: resolution of the SRE that determines this. Original and copy.
i) In case of determination of statelessness: resolution of the immigration authority. Original and copy.
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