The dollar in Cuba today 12/26/2022: 173 pesos in the informal market; 123.60 official

The US currency fell one peso compared to Sunday.

Casa de Cambio de La Habana © Banco Central de Cuba
Havana Exchange House Photo © Central Bank of Cuba

This article is from 1 year ago

HeUS dollar (USD) is listed this Monday at173 Cuban pesos (CUP) in the informal currency market, while in the government Exchange Houses (CADECA) it is1 x 123.60 CUP.

CyberCuba Below are the rates for both markets.

Official exchange market in Cuba by CADECA

Exchange rate established by CADECA in airports, hotels and ports

Representative rates of the informal currency market in Cuba

The dollar fell one peso compared to Sunday's trading, while the euro maintains the same price as on the 24th andDecember 25th in the Cuban informal market.

In the case of the freely convertible currency (MLC), it is sold at 170 CUP,just like saturday when it was reported that it went down half a point in relation to Friday's day last, according to data published by the independent mediaelTOQUE.

This site reports daily on the representative rates of the informal currency market in Cuba, based on the analysis of the median of the prices published in advertisements for the purchase and sale of foreign currencies on social networks and Cuban classifieds sites.

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