Informal exchange rate in Cuba


Exchange rate today 20/05/2024 - 9:14pm in Cuba:

USD to CUP exchange rate according to elTOQUE: 370 CUP

Exchange rate of the euro EUR to CUP according to elTOQUE: 380 CUP

Exchange rate of the MLC to CUP according to elTOQUE: 300 CUP

Alternative exchange rate from other platforms:

Dollar exchange rate (USD): Buying 362 CUP, Selling 373 CUP.

Exchange rate of the Euro (EUR): Purchase 374 CUP, Sale 384 CUP

Exchange rate of the MLC: 292 CUP (Cuban Pesos) for buying, 299 CUP for selling

At CiberCuba, we are dedicated to providing constant updates on the informal currency market in Cuba, with a special focus on the behavior of the dollar and the euro in the black and informal market. Stay up to date with the daily fluctuations in the prices of the dollar and the MLC in Cuba through our detailed coverage.

The value of the dollar in Cuba today in the black market and the price of the freely convertible currency in the informal market are of great interest to our readers, both inside and outside the island. We extensively cover the latest news and provide detailed analysis of the price of the euro in the informal market and the current exchange rate.

The information presented here about the price of the dollar in the informal market and the value of the euro in Cuba today is intended for informational purposes only and is not endorsed by any financial institution. We recommend caution and further verification before making decisions based on these rates. Our commitment is to keep our readers informed with the highest accuracy and responsibility.

Sources of exchange rate: elTOQUE and Exchange Rate API in Cuba

News about the exchange rate in Cuba:

The quotation of MLC rises in Cuba's informal market.

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