Cubans help brothers who survive in the streets of Camagüey

More than 100 people have brought clothes, coats, food and other things to two elderly people who have been on the streets with their dogs for more than four years.

Ancianos hermanos que viven en la calle reciben ayuda © Jose Luis Tan Estrada / Facebook
Elderly brothers living on the streets receive help Photo © Jose Luis Tan Estrada / Facebook

This article is from 1 year ago

Two brothers who live on the streets in Camagüey received the selfless help of good Samaritans who were moved to learn their story.

Journalist José Luis Tan Estrada, coordinator of the Red Nacional #DeCorazón group in the province of Camagüey, reported on his wallFacebook that on Wednesday he went with other members to take some things to Manolito and Ricardo, the elderly brothers who have been on the street for more than four years.

"They tell us that since early in the morning, more than 100 people have come to bring them clothes, coats, food, among other things. Thousands of thanks to everyone who has cared in one way or another," he said.

Facebook capture / José Luis Tan Estrada

Hours before, José Luis had revealed that Manolito and Ricardo have been living for the last two years in a portal located on Avenida de la Caridad, near the city's Palace of Marriages, along with their dogs.

"When their parents died they made the decision to exchange their house for another, with the aim of getting away from all the family memories. It turns out that for the new home they moved into, the ownership of it was false, they had been scammed and when the owner, because they had to go live on the streets, since, as they were a little traumatized by the family tragedy, they were considered crazy and no one paid attention to them," he said on Facebook.

His belongings are reduced to three boxes with some clothes and other things.

In order to feed themselves, they collect raw materials and sell them, or people pay them to guard queues at night. In the bakery in front of them they give them some bread balls. They also get a lot of help from a church.

"Four years on the street, surviving as best they can, and no one from the Government or the Party, as in most of these cases, has cared about them. Many leaders, PCC and UJC cadres, pass through that avenue every day, because their institutions are right there, and they have not even been able to see how Manolito and his brother take care of their dogs like one of the family," denounced José Luis.

The young professor, who last November wasexpelled from the Ignacio Agramonte University for his political stance and his criticism of the government on the networks, he has been denouncing the situation of the people who wander the streets of Camagüey for days, especially in recent days, when temperatures have dropped.

"Given this situation, what measures have the Government and the Party taken to protect them? Monitoring carried out by me has shown that they have done nothing," he stated.

Facebook capture / José Luis Tan Estrada

Due to his publications on the Internet, the professor has also beeninterrogated and threatened by State Security officials.

In December, two officials from the Ministry of the Interior tried to get him to sign a warning letter stating that he had "subversive ties," and accused him of attacking state institutions such as the ministries of Education and Public Health.

"According to them, they were not depriving me of my right to publish and have my freedom of expression, but that I used other words and other contexts. They claimed that this was the first time, but if they had to look for me in a patrol car they would do it," story.

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