Cubans repair house for elderly couple who lived in extreme poverty Holguín

The house was repaired by activists who also donated several appliances to this elderly Cuban couple.

An elderly couple lived in conditions of extreme poverty in Holguín and received solidarity help from several Cubans.

The activistNorway Ernesto Díaz Blak (Noly Blak) learned about this social case a few weeks ago. When interviewing the lady for the first time, she confessed that she wasdizzy because I was hungry.

Díaz approached the home and discovered that the elderly were in conditions of extreme poverty and set out to help them, with the collaboration of other people.

It raised money, resources and there were those who also contributed their work time to improve the living conditions of these elderly people, who are residents of Escondida, a rural town 90 kilometers from Holguín.

The activist helps people in his province with the support of other supportive Cubans. This case was especially sensitive because the old man still works, and the checkbook is not enough for them at all.

They slept on a mattress made of straw, but they now have a comfortable bed to rest on after a long day. They also did not have a bathroom or kitchen and now both rooms have been renovated, with the essential resources, food and favorable hygienic conditions.

Díaz offered two accounts, one in Cuban pesos (CUP 9238 1299 7534 1985) and another in Freely Convertible Currency (MLC 9235 1299 7681 5824) through which you can collaborate with these elderly people.

The number to confirm is 53082732. Those who wish to help can leave their name privately for the list published in gratitude to donors.

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