Rustic quails and hens: The solution to the egg shortage in Sancti Spíritus

The eggs are intended for free sale to the population at 120 pesos for 30 units.

This article is from 1 year ago

The Sancti Spíritus poultry company promotesraising semi-rustic chickens and quails to make up for the shortage of eggs in that territory, in the context of the food crisis that Cuba is suffering.

According to areport of the local telecenter, the Jíquima 2 poultry production unit was recovered a year ago, where they serve between38,500 and 38,700 birds that provide aaverage of 8,500 eggs daily.

These are intended for thefree sale to the population a 120 pesos for 30 units and 80 pesos for a package of pickled quail eggs.

A manager interviewed stated that "it is very difficult to keep this unit producing because they are animals on the floor and we have to be constantly on top of the food." He explained that the birds have three feeding shifts daily starting at 8:30 in the morning.

The goal is to reach 80,000 birds this year, he noted. However, he said that the two warehouses currently used are prepared for a maximum of 60,000 animals, so they will have to increase capacity.

He noted that they have had problems with the payment of salaries to workers. They were dissatisfied with the salaries of $2,800 pesos, although this month thanks to the increase in production they earned up to $10,000 pesos, he noted.

The Cuban regime promotes a project ofrustic chicken farms in several provinces as an alternative to alleviate the low production of meat and eggs. It is believed that these birds are easier to feed due to the lack of industrial feed for raising other breeds.

Rustic chickens are kept withalternative food and green grass.

Thequail breeding It has also spread to provinces such as Cienfuegos, taking into account that it is an animal that consumes less food and its production time is relatively short.

The price of eggs in Cuba has risen dramatically amid widespread shortages. The price of this food on the black market is around 2,000 pesos.

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