Improve your conversational English with online classes at ARCHES Language

Discover the opportunities that ARCHES Language offers you for your conversational English with online classes and personalized programs. Don't let language be an obstacle on your path to success in the United States.

ARCHES Language, Academia de inglés conversacional online © ARCHES Language
ARCHES Language, online conversational English academy Foto © ARCHES Language

This article is from 1 year ago

Mastering English opens many doors in the United States, a country full of opportunities. If you are one of those thousands of people who arrive without speaking the language, you will recognize the importance of finding an institution that helps you take advantage of your talents and express yourself fluently.

ARCHES Language It is an academyConversational English, with a modern, interactive learning method and with100% online classes that adapt to the students' schedule.

It has been founded for more than five years, has highly experienced teachers and is the platform that many immigrants, from various professions, use to learn or improve their level of English, without leaving home and with flexible schedules.

Why is it important to master conversational English in the US?

In English-speaking countries, language proficiency is recognized in oral communication, not necessarily with an academic certificate. Despite this, many schools continue with old formulas and their students become frustrated by not learning to speak fluently as they need for their best professional performance.

ARCHES Language broke with traditional education and created a modernEnglish program with a conversational approach. Its teaching method is supported by the use of new technologies, which gives the student total freedom to adjust their schedules and accelerate the pace of learning.

Video call classes are personalized and can be done on your mobile phone, tablet or laptop, from anywhere in the world.

What differentiates this English academy from other schools of its type?

The most distinctive feature ofARCHES Language It is the personalization of teaching. There is a teacher who works exclusively with the student in his or her classroom space. This allows the academic program to be adapted in terms of pace and learning style in each case.

It is the student who chooses the number of weekly sessions they wish to have, whether 2, 3, 4 or 5 times, depending on their time availability and budget.

It is also the students who choose the days of class, between Monday and Friday; and the hours of online meetings are usually from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm, according to Eastern Time in the United States.

Do I have to make a permanence contract for these courses?

There is no permanence contract. The student only needs to notify 30 days in advance that they wish to finish their course and can return whenever they want, without repeating the registration payment.

The registration fee includes class materials that are on the academy's online platform, available for self-study 24 hours a day.

Registration also gives access to the first personalized session of classes, so that the new student can test the methodology and dynamics of the programs before making any additional payment.

If you want to get yourinteractive online program to learn English or improve your pronunciation and expand your vocabulary, you can communicate with the academy's commercial team through their social networks or bytelephone +1 305-414 2721, either through direct call or WhatsApp messages.

Goodbye to conventional. Welcome to the conversational English academy

can be learnedConversational English with online classes, taking advantage of a personalized method, with the attention of a teacher, live, from anywhere in the world where you have an internet connection and at convenient times and days.

ARCHES Language It was created thinking about its usefulness for migrants arriving in the United States. The academy has sponsored the apprenticeship of Cuban artists such as Albita Rodríguez, Omar Franco, Rafael Lahera, Lieter Ledesma and Beatriz Valdés, among many others.

If like them you become a student of thisconversational english academyRemember that you can take classes wherever you prefer, whether at home, the workplace or even in a social space. This leads to a marked reduction in transportation costs and great optimization of time.

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Personalized Online Conversational English Courses

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Personalized Online Conversational English Courses