Camila Cabello, proud of her Cuban grandmother for publishing her first novel at age 75

The Cuban singer dedicated some nice words to her maternal grandmother through her social networks.

Camila Cabello con su abuela cubana © Instagram / Camila Cabello
Camila Cabello with her Cuban grandmother Photo © Instagram / Camila Cabello

This article is from 1 year ago

It is never too late to fulfill dreams and seek new passions, and if not tell the grandmother of the Cuban singer Camila Cabello, who at 75 years old has just published his first novel, where he opens his heart to tell what his life was like until he left Cuba to reunite with his daughter and granddaughters.

Proud to see his Cuban grandmother To become an author, the "Havana" singer couldn't help but tell all her followers this great news along with a series of photos, including one of the pages of the book.

Applauding the courage of Mercedes Rodríguez, the name of the artist's grandmother, to open her heart and launch this book, she wrote next to the post: "My grandmother is an author. I am loving this book and not only because she is my grandmother. She is a very unique experience where I can listen to the songs that have accompanied her in every chapter of her intense and ordinarily magical life. I always knew it but now you do too, my grandmother is a bitch.

The boleros that I have lived is the name of this novel that is available on Amazon. In the review they explain that the author began writing it at the age of 50 but, hurt by the separation from her husband, she abandoned him, and it was not until years later, when she was already with her daughter, the United States, that she took up the story to conclude it.

"In this novel, sincere, moving and critical, the author opens her heart and her flesh and tells us, however without squeamishness, her life until she leaves Cuba to join her daughter and her granddaughters. A life full of lights and shadows, work, dreams and achievements, vicissitudes and betrayals, but despite everything full of passion and love. Love for everything and everyone and also love for music that is incorporated into these pages as another character in the plot, because from now on. girl "has it inside"", they say. A passion for music that seems to have been inherited by Camila Cabello, who is one of the most international Cuban artists on the current music scene.

"Always the great bandit," added the singer, thus supporting her grandmother, with whom she is very close. On several occasions we have seen her share photos with her on social networks and also fun moments at her side, an example is this dance with a lot of rhythm by Doña Mercedes:

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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