Heart transplants for adults in Miami temporarily suspended

Heart transplants for children will remain unchanged, officials said.

Médicos en trasplantes de corazón © Captura de video / Local 10 News
Doctors in heart transplants Photo © Video Capture / Local 10 News

This article is from 1 year ago

HeMiami Transplant Institute has suspended its heart transplant program for adults, according to official sources reported on Wednesday.

The Institute, which is a 52-year collaboration between Jackson Memorial Hospital and the University of Miami, stated in a statement that it was carrying outO "an in-depth review of (your) care"and "will not accept new cases during this time", as revealed in a note fromLocal 10 News.

The center is not currently accepting new cases and they are working with their patients to help them transition to other organizations.

They also pointed out that the pediatric heart transplants will continue.

Officials would not say how long the program will be suspended, but said the institute "will reinstate the program after a thorough evaluation and a clear plan to recruit additional world-class clinicians."

Lack of personnel could be to blame, the media reported.

According to sources consulted byLocal 10 News, the institute is looking for a new head of heart transplants.

However, the adult heart transplant program at Jackson and the University of Miami is also being reviewed by the United Network on Organ Donations (UNOS), which is overseen by the federal government.

Dr. Efraín González, electrophysiologist cardiologist,saida Telemundo 51that the case appeared to be a federal restructuring, rather than a local problem.

Across the United States there are more than 100,000 people on the transplant list, many of them in Florida, waiting for life-saving surgery.

Recently, the case of a Cuban in need of a heart transplant who asked for help to be able to live in Miami without losing his place on the waiting list for surgery emerged.

Leomir Varela Ortiz, 34 years old, He expressed that he needed to find a place to live while he waits his turn to receive a heart transplant.

Four months ago he suffered a heart attack and after miraculously overcoming it at the age of 34, his heart continues to function between 10% and 15%, which is why he needs a new organ through transplant.

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