Chilling images of the fire where 40 migrants died in Mexico

The authorities have confirmed that the deceased are from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia and Ecuador.

This article is from 1 year ago

Chilling images broadcast in Mexican media show the exact moment when the riot broke that occurred in a center of the National Migration Institute (INM) in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, this Monday, where 40 migrants have died.

A recording from the immigration center captured how the fire started inside the facilities while the undocumented immigrants remained behind bars.

According to Mexican journalist Joaquín López Dóriga, the video would have been shared by the government of the state of Chihuahua.

The recording shows one of the barred rooms where the migrants were held and the fire is seen gaining strength, while the detainees threw objects to apparently stop the flames.

The cameras also show the security guards running from one side to the other, without opening the gate that separated them from the migrants, until everything is covered in smoke.

The Guatemalan Migration Institute confirmed that 28 of the deceased are from Guatemala.

For his part, Honduran Foreign Minister Tony García has identified13 fatalities from Honduras, while the Prosecutor's Office has confirmed that another 12 Venezuelans, 12 Salvadorans, a Colombian and an Ecuadorian would complete the number of injured.

According to himINM, 68 adult men who were originally from Central and South American countries were housed at the immigration headquarters. It appears that there were no Cuban citizens among the victims.

In addition to the deceased, 29 people were injured in the incident and were taken in serious condition to four hospitals in the area, although other sources claim that there could be more injuries.

The station is located on the Stanton-Lerdo International Bridge, which connects Ciudad Juárez with the Texas city of El Paso, in the United States, and which hosted detained migrants, mostly from Venezuela.

In a recent statement, the National Migration Institute indicated that assistance is provided to 15 foreign women of legal age who were evicted from the Provisional Stay. In addition, the entity undertakes to cover the funeral expenses of the deceased foreign migrants and will provide a Card Visitor for Humanitarian Reasons "to guarantee medical care."

However, they do not offer information about the possible origin of the fire which, according to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador,unleashed"as a sign of protest that they started out of fear of being deported."

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