Fire consumes sawdust from coffee company in Guantánamo

The incident broke out on Tuesday in a sawmill belonging to the municipality of Yateras and was not controlled until Thursday.

Bomberos sofocan el incendio en Guantánamo © Venceremos / Rodny Alcolea Olivares
Firefighters put out the fire in Guantánamo Photo © Venceremos / Rodny Alcolea Olivares

A fire that broke out on Tuesday consumed the sawmill of a coffee company in the Guantanamo municipality of Yateras located in Saburén, a town located in a valley, near the Guayabal River.

The incident originated on a sawdust promontory and was caused by high temperatures and drought in the area, which turned a large accumulation of wood waste into a kind of oven.

Combined forces of firefighters, forest rangers, farmers, workers from the Aqueduct and Sewage Company, police officers and residents of the area attended the scene.

According to information from the weeklyWe will win, firefighters from the provincial command No. 1 and members of the Lino Álvarez cooperative carried out long tasks that included the creation of firebreak trails to prevent the spread of the flames.

Authorities from the provincial fire department classified the incident as medium-sized, but until Thursday they did not declare it practically under control.

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