The construction of the new cemetery in Ciego de Ávila is accelerated because next August will mark the peak date of exhumations of remains of those deceased by COVID-19.
The beginning of the construction of this necropolistook place just in August 2021, when Ciego de Ávila suffered the maximum peak of infections and deaths due to the pandemic,Explaina report from the local government newspaperInvader.
In 2023, a budget of 6.5 million pesos is planned for the aforementioned necropolis, which will be invested mainly in increasing the capacity of the cemetery, says Bárbara Domenech Nodarse, Investment specialist at the Provincial Directorate of Communal Affairs.
In this way, in the new cemetery, located on the outskirts of the provincial capital, adjacent to the South Ring Road and the highway to Sanguily, the construction of 36 batteries of ossuaries is planned, which would add up to 3,000 capacities.
Work is also underway on the construction of 1,140 columbariums, where mourners who decide to do so will be able to deposit amphorae with the ashes of their loved ones.
Despite this investment, only 10 to 14 workers have taken on construction tasks since last February 8 due to the scarcity of resources: “wood is scarce, three slabs have been waiting for concrete for three weeks and there is little water available.” ”explained Yosbel Montes de Oca Rodríguez, head of the construction force.
In August 2021, in the midst of the peak of infections and deaths from the coronavirus, the old cemetery of Ciego de Ávilaurgently expanded its capabilitiesand shortly after the construction of a new one was announced.
A year later, in May 2022, it was knownscenes of dilapidated coffinsin the interior streets of the Avilanian cemetery, even bones.
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