Camagüey provincial hospital evacuated due to threat of collapse

The floor of the Ophthalmological Center rose and caused a loud roar that spread fear among people. A patient suffered injuries from the sudden exit of people.

This Wednesday morning, the Camagüey firefighters ordered the evacuation of the Ophthalmological Center located in the "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" University Hospital, Camagüey, due to a possible collapse.

The medical institution reported on its wall Facebook that a lifting of the floor, which caused a loud noise which caused fear in patients attending outpatient clinics.

"There was one injury as a result of the event caused by the sudden departure of people"said the note.

Photo: Facebook / Humberto Galindo

The rescue and rescue fire department responded to the scene immediately and met with members of the hospital's board of directors and the nursing work team.

Facebook screenshot / "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" University Hospital

"At this time it does not represent a danger to the lives of the people who are treated there," the text stated.

Photo: Facebook / Humberto Galindo

Internet user Humberto Galindo shared photos of numerous people standing on the street in front of the entrance to the Ophthalmological Center, waiting for it to be certified that it was safe to enter again.

Photo: Facebook / Humberto Galindo

"Collapse alarm in the provincial hospital of Camagüey, the second floor floors, where the ophthalmology consultations are located"he warned in his Facebook.

Facebook capture / Humberto Galindo

Galindo noted that he was at the hospital when the floors began to split, and confirmed that there were no injuries.

Last February, the José Martí polyclinic, located in the center of the city of Camagüey, closed its doors due to the imminent danger of collapse.

Due to this, it was necessary to transfer all its services to other centers, with the consequent inconvenience that this brought to the population, who since then must walk longer distances to receive care.

According to Michel Alfonso Figueroa, director of Health in the municipality, what causes the most dissatisfaction is the lack of a place within the historic center where an emergency guard unit operates, especially when more than 30,000 people reside in that area, many of them 60 years old.

In July of last year, the false ceiling of the delivery and cesarean section room of the provincial hospital of Ciego de Ávila "Antonio Luaces Iraola" collapsed despite the "continuous repair actions" carried out at the facility, confirmed the local press.

According to the official weekly Invader, in the aforementioned room three square meters of false ceiling fell. This, despite the fact that the obstetric unit of the medical institution has been "for years subjected to continuous repair and maintenance actions, which did not constitute definitive solutions."

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