"The Padilla Case" wins Platinum Award for Best Documentary

"More than half a century later the same thing continues to happen in my country," said the director upon receiving the award.

The Padilla Case, by Cuban director Pavel Giroud, won this Saturday the 2023 Platinum Ibero-American Film Award in the Best Documentary Film category.

The documentary, which reveals fragments of the original recordings of the Cuban poet's famous self-incriminationHeberto Padilla, hidden in Cuba for more than 50 years, "is the story of a poet who was taken to prison in the year 71 because of his rebellious work and thenwas forced to publicly recant", saidGiroud at the reception of the award at the IFEMA Madrid Municipal Palace.

"The worst thing about that is that more than half a century later the same thing continues to happen in my country," said the director at the award ceremony, as revealed in a clip of the event published on social networks.

"That's why I, and everyone who voted for our film, want to thank you on behalf of all Cubans who are tired of our country being a theme park of an ideology or a utopia and that the pain of Cubans is not have the same pain that other nations have suffered," Giroud concluded.

This Saturday, the filmmaker became the first Cuban to hold a Platinum Award, although other Cuban films such asVicenta B, by Carlos Lechuga andDark Loves, by Gerardo Chijona, have been nominated.

Also in thegala Puerto Rican actor Benicio del Toro received an Honorary Platinum Award, and the filmArgentina, 1985 It won the awards in the categories Best Fiction Film, Best Screenplay, and Best Leading Actor.

The awards are promoted by the Audiovisual Producers' Rights Management Entity (EGEDA) and the Ibero-American Federation of Cinematographic and Audiovisual Producers (FIPCA) and have the support of Ibero-American film academies and institutes from 23 countries.

The Padilla Case, a co-production with Spain, was released in September at theSan Sebastian Film Festival, Spain.

The film was included in the Horizontes Latinos section of the prestigious festival and on that occasion, its creator said that the film "talks about how political power manages to break the will of an artist in order to annul his freedom of expression and thought. A history that, far from belonging to the past, speaks directly to the present.”

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