International Film and Television School of San Antonio de los Baños recognizes sexual abuse at the center

Different cases of sexual abuse and assault that took place in said center during the last decade were reported this week.

Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión de San Antonio de los Baños © Fundación del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano
International School of Film and Television of San Antonio de los Baños Photo © New Latin American Cinema Foundation

The International School of Film and Television of San Antonio de los Baños (EICTV) recognized that sexual abuse has been committed at the educational center.

The center published a statement this Thursday, which for many Cubans comes late, as a response to the complaint of sexual abuse in the institution that came to light this week in a report by the independent media The sneeze.

Facebook EICTV

The EICTV admitted the occurrence of several cases of sexual abuse on its campus accumulated over the last decade.

The statement was titled as "Long live utopia". In the text, the institution expressed deep concern about the complaints, describing the testimonies collected as painful and underlining its willingness to heal these situations.

The journalistic report, signed by Mario Luis Reyes, contains testimonies from students and teachers. She began working on the investigation in May 2022 after learning of the statements of a student concerned about the impunity of sexual assaults suffered at school.

The EICTV address, which operates under Cuban state supervision, assured that when informed of some particular incidents, it launched a "Peaceful Coexistence Protocol."

This protocol involved the creation of specific instances to handle cases of violence and gender, such as awareness workshops, a Welfare Office and a Gender Committee together with an emergency service called Violet Point, active 24 hours a day.

The aforementioned protocol, according to the EICTV, is in constant development, and aims to promote positive conditions to prevent harassment and offer support to victims. These policies would include psychological and medical measures, and a system for receiving and monitoring complaints.

The institution insists that all actions since the adoption of the protocol have been executed with diligence and effectiveness, and they assure that they have imposed disciplinary, administrative and even criminal punishments on the aggressors.

In addition, they say that initiatives have been proposed to strengthen the gender perspective within the entity, both in the creation of projects and in academic processes.

The school also spoke out about its desire to promote a more equitable environment, free of violence, machismo, patriarchy, LGBTphobia and racism. They cite the current Cuban political and legal framework as an instrument in favor of these goals.

On the other hand, the reaction of EICTV is being received with skepticism by some Cubans, who question the delay and lack of concrete actions until the dissemination of the report that put the events in the public eye.

The academic community and civil society demand real commitment, transparency and effective results to eradicate gender violence in their spaces.

Also this Thursday it was learned that one of those involved in the sexual abuse scandal at EICTV was fired from the agency Brazilian Sound and Image Editing for Film and Television "Confraria de Sons & Charutos".

The Brazilian company reported, on social networks, its decision “not to rely on the services of that person in current or future projects.”

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