Network users andcuban activists denounce the accumulation inHavana of large quantities ofgarbage, which floods more and more of the country's capital every day.
The opponent and express politicianSilverio Portal stated in his profileFacebook the immense garbage dumps that accumulate in the streets of the municipality ofHavana Center, where the situation is aggravated by the large number of buildings in ruins and others standing due to pure “miraculous static.”
In the photos of Portal it is clearly seen that a solid waste collection car has not passed through that area for days and the residents must live with mountains of garbage, in a country where high temperatures accelerate decomposition and, as a consequence, more proliferation fast germs harmful to health.
Also in that same social network the userJose Marcos Ortiz denounced that an area of the San Agustín district, in La Lisa, is an open-air garbage dump, since "the wind spreads cardboard, bags and papers on the street and the garden of the nearby building, creating an environment of extreme abandonment and that without talk about bad smell, rodents and insects.”
Likewise, he questioned whether the residents in the area have become accustomed to this bleak panorama.
“The custom is tremendous. Hundreds of people of all ages pass through the street every day and there is not one who stops to look or say something,” Ortiz noted in his publication, where he shared images of garbage flying everywhere, at the foot of unpainted buildings. and streets cluttered with waste.
The issue of garbage collection in the Cuban capital is as old as the city itself. Actually, for many years it has been one of the most requested issues by its residents.
Last March, the profile inFacebook ofJordanka Battle More showed the accumulation of garbage on the corner of San Rafael and Gervasio, in Centro Habana, where the waste containers were overflowing and people continued throwing their waste to form a gigantic landfill.
"For everyone who said that the streets belonged to the revolutionaries, please let the revolutionaries pick up the trash a little bit because this is sad," said Battle Moré on that occasion, who gained visibility on social networks. after freely expressing his thoughts afterstay hours in a queue in Havana, questioning the government for forcing citizens to fight over a package of mincemeat.
Comedians, activists and citizens in general have not stopped complaining about the unsanitary conditions seen in many neighborhoods of the capital and the rest of Cuba.
The Cuban comedianOtto Ortiz denouncedthe inaction of the Cuban authorities and he gave as an example the garbage dump in his neighborhood, one of the many that infect towns and cities in Cuba.
The official press, separating the government from all responsibility for the filth of many streets,blamed citizens for garbage that remains in several areas of Havana and justified the public accumulation of waste with the lack of resources of the municipal Communal Services companies.
Dozens of Havana residents and social media users have denounced the numerous garbage dumps that proliferate in the Cuban capital, which has worsened the epidemiological situation on previous occasions and has generated unrest among its residents.
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