A massive protest took place at dusk this Saturday in the Guantanamo municipality of Caimanera when dozens of people took to the streets shouting “Freedom.”
Videos circulating on social networks show how the inhabitants of that municipality bordering the Guantanamo Naval Base marched en masse through the streets of the town in protest against the shortages and blackouts.
In one of the videos, it was even possible to see how, on an improvised podium, a resident of Caimanera who from that moment declared himself an opponent of the government, harangued those who listened to him and asked not to put up with the misery anymore.
For its part, when the videos of the protests begin to go viral, We will win, the local Guantánamo newspaper, informed of a blackout that affects the entire province and of which the causes were unknown.

“We inform you that a breakdown has occurred and all customers in the province were affected. At this time the circuits are already being restored gradually. The causes are investigated and work is being done on the solution and total restoration of electrical service as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience caused,” he said through Facebook.
These are the first massive protests against the government known in Cuba since October of last year. In 2022, around 170 protests were recorded in towns in the interior of the island due to blackouts and shortages. In some places, like the municipality of Nuevitas, in Camagüey, lasted for several nights and were brutally repressed by the repressive forces of the regime.
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