Theintense hydrological drought that affects the province of Santiago de Cuba reached a critical point in which the containers only accumulate 23.4 percent of their total capacity and aggravate the water supply in the region.
Gerardo Ginarte, head of Hydraulic Resources in the province, reported that the condition is critical and has been aggravated by the low rainfall that has occurred in recent months, as revealed in a meeting with Inés María Champan, first vice minister, to analyze the water supply. in the territory.
Local media reported that the rains were practically non-existent, with barely one million cubic meters in the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes dam.
In the midst of the worrying situation, the authorities decided to lengthen the water supply cycles by between nine and 15 days.
Ginarte, that in dayspreviousset the level of packaging at 32%, now recognizes that the circumstances are even more critical and there are "severe difficulties" that aggravate the supply to the residents.
In the hydrometric areas of San Juan - Seville and Altamira, and in municipalities such as Songo La Maya, Palma Soriano and Contramaestre, there are "repeated breaks in the pipeline and pumping equipment, with years of exploitation."
Furthermore, according to what was reported in the official media, 450 "minor" leaks have been located in the province that affect the low availability of water.
In the Sueño district and in the El Caney town, for example, breaks lead to a loss of 50 liters of water per second.
The directors of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources assure that the province will receive 138 pieces of equipment for Aguas Turquino and Aguas Santiago, 10 kilometers of pipeline and the execution of a conduit in the town of Baraguá, scheduled for 2024, with a budget of 30 million pesos , to solve some of the problems of the hydraulic works.
However, while thefaults in the conductive networksand the valves are solved, the inhabitants of Santiago de Cuba are at risk of running out of water.
Although officials estimate that the second half of May will be favorable due to weather forecasts that point to a "good rainy period," it would require an entire month of intense rains to reverse the situation.
The eastern provincesThey are the most affected by drought, mainly during the months of the year when there is little rainfall.
The situation is not far from that of last year, when more than 300 pumping stationsThey were practically paralyzed by a severe hydrological drought.
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