13-year-old girl saves herself after confronting a shark on a Florida beach

A shark that bit her on the stomach, arm, finger and top of the knee; The teenager received 19 stitches.

Ella Reed © Captura de video / Local 10 News
Ella Reed Photo © Video Capture / Local 10 News

A 13-year-old girl saved her life after confronting a shark on Fort Pierce Beach, a Florida beach, on Thursday.

Ella Reed She was sitting in shallow water with her friend near a pier in Fort Pierce Beach when she was attacked by a shark that bit her in the stomach, arm, finger and top of her knee, she told Local 10 News.

Reed explained to the press that he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his side; When she realized that it was a shark, she punched it, it moved away but attacked her again.

"The shark itself was very strong. That was what I felt the most because it was hitting my stomach very hard," said the young woman, who believes she was attacked by a bull shark between 1.5 and 1.8 meters.

According to her testimony, the young woman fought against the shark that came back at her again and again.

"He wouldn't leave me alone, so I had to use my arm and hand, and he hit my arm and my finger," he explained.

After being approached by the shark again, Reed immediately called her mother and brother.

The mother claimed she was in shock after seeing the shark swimming around her daughter.

"It was crazy because I was covered in blood from head to toe, so I couldn't see what was happening. I was shaking, but I was calm," the woman said.

The teenager received 19 stitches after being bitten on the stomach, arm, finger and top of the knee.

"I was in shock from everything that happened, so I didn't feel pain because the adrenaline was through the roof," he explained.

Reed, a native of Florida, claims that he has never been afraid of the sea and that, even after this encounter, he plans to get into the water again.

Shark attacks are often fatal, and very few people survive to tell their story. Such was the case of a 17 year old Cuban teenager victim of a shark attack while fishing about 25 kilometers from the coast near Majana, in the province of Artemisa, but he managed to save his life.

However, a young underwater fisherman died from the attack of a bull shark in the coastal area of Puerto Escondido, in the province of Mayabeque.

Maro Alejandro Díaz Jiménez died in the fishing area known as Ojo de Tiburón, after the animal inflicted a lethal wound on him.

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