This is how a tourist changes dollars in the streets of Havana

Popular YouTuber shared his experiences on the island with his followers

The popular South African YouTuberKurt Case He visited Havana a few weeks ago and shared with his followers his experiences on the island, including themoney exchange informally, on the street; as well as walks or other anecdotes related to some scam attempts or requests for money.

In the case of the currency exchange, the images show how Caz simply started walking down Manrique Street, inHavana Center, until he found the typical greeting of“my friend, ¿exchange the money?”, to which the youtuber responded that he wanted to change 20 dollars.

The offer was an exchange rate of 1 x 150 - at the beginning of May - at a time when the informal exchange rate ranged between 180 and 190 pesos. In the end Kurt receiving 3,000 pesos in national currency for 20 dollars.

Another fragment shows his meeting with “Roberto”, a Cuban hunk whom he asked to take a photo with and who ended up getting much more out of Kurt Caz.

On May 19, the YouTuber shared a seven-minute video on Facebook along with the description“avoid this man in Havana.”

The meeting shows how, following the usual discourse of friendliness, Roberto took the tourist to a bar, accepted the invitation of some Cuba Libres and in the end asked the tourist for money to buy milk for his son.

When he gave him five dollars, he told him that it wasn't enough and insisted that it be a little more. Another picturesque detail of the scene was that the waiter made the wrong change, clearly harming the tourist.

However, Kurt Caz is a seasoned traveler who quickly did his homework and forced the clerk to return the remaining amount.

Other anecdotes revolve around scams in the purchase of tobacco, such as girls who recommend "avoiding" or their varied experience with Cuban food.

The YouTuber's trip also included the classic ride along the boardwalk or the Plaza de la Revolución in an old car, in this case a 1955 Cadillac.

With more than 1.5 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, at 25 years old Kurt Caz is a tireless traveler who accumulates trips to all kinds of countries, some of them very unique.

In his tours, in addition to recording the most beautiful or interesting of the places he visits, he alsoHe always highlights everything that his followers should avoid when traveling to those destinations.

In the case of Cuba, the warnings and advice section is not negligible, as evidenced in Kurt Caz's observations on Facebook.

In recent years, numerous YouTubers have visited Cuba and subsequently - from different perspectives and styles - have left a record on their networks of the increasingly difficult reality of Cubans.

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