Ghislaine Maxwell lives terrified in Florida prison after denouncing extortion of two Cuban inmates

Maxwell, 61 years old and held in the FCI Tallahassee prison, has reported that she lives in terror behind bars after she exposed two violent Cuban inmates for trying to extort her.

Ghislaine Maxwell © Collage: Durante proceso judicial y captura de video/TalkTV en entrevista desde la cárcel.
Ghislaine Maxwell Photo © Collage: During the judicial process and video/TalkTV capture in an interview from jail.

So far the financier's crimesJeffrey Epstein and the British socialiteGhislaine Maxwell bysexual abuse against minors for decades, they had been far from any link or referenceCubans, but recent events in a Florida prison have marked a turning point, at least in prison terms.

Maxwell, 61 years old and imprisoned in the FCI Tallahassee prison, has reported that she lives in terror behind bars after she betrayedtwo violent Cuban prisoners before the prison authorities for trying to extort her, according to aexclusive report from the British newspaperDailyMail.

Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison by a federal court in New York, in December 2021, forprostituting girls and putting them at the mercy of her deceased pedophile lover Jeffrey Epstein, whodied in prison in 2019, while awaiting trial for sexual abuse and trafficking of minors.

The Cuban inmates, whose identities have not been revealed, were placed in solitary confinement for 47 days after Maxwell denounced them for demanding that she give them part of her monthly stipend to purchase items and groceries.

According to prison sources consulted by the newspaper, Maxwell has been “freaking out” since the pair of prisoners were returned to the general inmate population and are seeking revenge for the punishment imposed on them.

Maxwell's fear of reprisals from the Cuban women reaches such a point that he refuses to use the showers, where there are regular ambushes by inmates with razor blades and socks full of bars of soap.

She is terrified and has asked to be transferred from prison.

And according to an informant inside the federal prison in Tallahassee, Cuban prisoners “have a reputation for being tough and bad” and “they don't let anything happen.” Both women are tattooed, are tall and have a strong physical complexion, according to the witness.

Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein in the days of their close relationship. Photo: Department of Justice.

They have proposed that “Maxwell has to pay for the 47 days [they spent in punishment],” the source added.

“They will beat him up the first chance they get,” he said.

The tension with Maxwell began when the two Cuban women criticized her for being distant andsnob regarding the prison population of the facility.

But there was something else that triggered the conflict with her. The Cubans discovered that Maxwell, who is a strict vegetarian, had established an "agreement" with a prison kitchen employee to provide her with extra fruits, vegetables and tofu in her diet.

Maxwell proceeded to exchange the fresh food for items purchased through the prison store, which primarily offers snacks, candy and bags of junk food.

When the Cuban women discovered Maxwell's deal, they demanded that she spend her entire $360 monthly stipend limit on items for them or they would report her to prison headquarters.

Everything would have remained just words if the Cuban women had not written him a note with the explicit threat, which is theevidence of extortion.

Maxwell took the note to the penitentiary office and the storm broke out.

Each of the Cuban inmates spent 47 days in an isolation cell, identified as a SHU. These are boarded-up cubicles, a "prison within a prison" where inmates remain for 23 hours a day and are fed through cracks in the door.

The newspaper report recalls that Maxwell herself spent 48 hours locked up in a SHU for granting an interview in prison to the British presenter.Jeremy Kyle, last January, which was recorded and broadcast through a video call.

Following the incident with the Cuban girls, Maxwell has been given the option to self-segregate by going into protective custody in a SHU, voluntarily, but she did not accept it.

The report indicates that one of the Cuban prisoners has a reputation for being quarrelsome and intimidating other inmates. The woman will be released shortly and Maxwell's concern is that the jailers can keep her safe until then.

Maxwell will be 75 years old when his sentence ends, unless you can overturn the sentence through an appeal that is ongoing.

The central argument of the appeal, by the powerful lawyerArthur Aidala, is that Maxwell was used as a hostage to "satisfy public rage" after Epstein hanged himself in prison.

In the interview on January 23 with Kyle, host ofTalkTV, Maxwell complained about the prison regime that forces her to get up at 6 a.m. daily, and about her “boring diet” of tofu and beans.

In prison, Maxwell has daily access to sports facilities and teaches yoga, Pilates and etiquette lessons for the prison's 753 inmates.

Maxwell, daughter of the British press magnateRobert Maxwell, wasarrested in 2019 in connection with Epstein's sexual crimes.

The newspaper mentions that in the Tallahassee prison, Maxwell rubbed shoulders with the scammerLinda Morrow, who helped her plastic surgeon husband defraud insurers of $44 million by presenting cosmetic procedures of breast augmentations and "vaginal rejuvenations" as medical necessities. But Morrow, 70, has been transferred to another prison in California.

Another friend of her elite behind bars isNarcy Novack, a 65-year-old Florida woman serving a life sentence for hiring hitmen to murder her hotelier husbandBen Novack, and his elderly motherBernice Stempel, in an attempt to seize his family assets.

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