They ask for between 20 and 30 years in prison for 15 people tried in Cuba for international drug trafficking

The leader of the group was a Cuban living abroad. The objective was to establish a base in Santiago de Cuba to introduce cocaine and synthetic drugs by sea.

The Cuban prosecutor's office has requested sanctions of between 20 and 30 years in prison for 15 people, three of them foreigners, linked to an international drug trafficking operation.

The defendants, among whom there is a Cuban resident abroad who was the main organizer of the operation, were tried in the Provincial Court of Santiago de Cuba.

A report of thecuban television revealed this Friday that those involved were surprisedin fragantiby forces of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT).

According to the information, the group intended to introduce narcotics into the country along the coasts of the Guamá municipality, in Santiago de Guamá, with the aim of also establishing a logistical support base there for future drug landings.

That would be a "support base" to introduce cocaine and synthetic drugs into Cuba by sea, since the criminal chain was based in Jamaica.

The members of the network were charged with the crimes of international drug trafficking, attack, illegal carrying and possession of weapons, among others.

In the operation, 300 pounds of marijuana, large sums of money, a firearm, a false license plate of the car they used to transport the merchandise, satellite phones and a speed boat were seized.

The television report does not specify when the trial took place or the date on which the court's ruling will be announced.

Cuban laws provide for penalties that range between four and 30 years of imprisonment, life imprisonment and even the death penalty for the crime of drug trafficking.

From January to November 2023, a total of689 people were sanctioned for drug trafficking in Cuba. Of that figure, 92% went to prison.

According to data revealed in the official Mesa Redonda program, attempts were made to smuggle drugs through three international airports from eleven countries.

"Suriname stands out, from where cocaine was sent in various ways of masking, and the United States, from the introduction of synthetic cannabinoids in liquid state, bites, folds of paper, inside toilets, food and various household appliances," said the Head of the Anti-Drug Directorate of the DTI of the MININT, Colonel Juan Carlos Poey Guerra.

In those 11 months, 2,290.6 kilos of drugs were seized on the Island, of which 193.59 kilos were seized as a result of the operational confrontation.

245 drug arrivals were recorded on the Cuban coast, with the seizure of 1,756.31 kilos of drugs, with a predominance of marijuana (1,052.9 kilos).

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