Consulate of Spain in Havana reports on voting in general elections

Spanish voters residing in Cuba will be able to vote at the polls between July 15 and 20. It can also be done by mail in Cuba and Spain.

Consulado de España en La Habana © CiberCuba
Consulate of Spain in Havana Photo © CiberCuba

The Consulate of Spain in Havana I inform you about the procedure for citizens of your country abroad to vote in the elections General elections called for next July 23.

“July 23, Spanish voters residing in Cuba can vote: -July 15-20 at the ballot box, -By mail in Cuba until July 18, -Requesting to vote by mail in Spain until July 13,” reported this Wednesday on Twitter the Spanish consulate on the island.

Also in the message they shared the link to the official page from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain in which they refer in more detail to the procedure to participate in the elections to the Congress of Deputies and the Senate of the Iberian country.

There they explain that people of Spanish nationality who are registered as residents in the consular district and are registered in the Electoral Census of Absent Residents (CERA vote) may participate.

Persons of Spanish nationality who are temporarily in the consular demarcation and are registered as non-residents in the Consular Registration Registry (ERTA vote) may also participate.

This Monday, after the defeat of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) in the municipal and regional elections last weekend, the president Pedro Sanchez He decided call general elections for next July 23, which were to be carried out in the month of December.

The advance of the electoral event was announced from the Palace of La Moncloa, headquarters of a coalition government between socialists and the communists of Podemos, who see the days numbered until the date of the new elections.

“I have just had an office with His Majesty the King in which I have communicated to the Head of State the decision to convene a Council of Ministers this afternoon to dissolve the Cortes and proceed to call the general elections (…) on the 23rd July,” said the Spanish president.

Sánchez's reaction responded to the loss of territories governed by the PSOE, such as Aragón, Extremadura, the Valencian Community, the Balearic Islands and La Rioja, which fell into the hands of the Popular Party, which will now have to agree with the far-right Vox to achieve majorities. enough to govern in some autonomous communities and town councils.

It is not yet known whether the president will run as a candidate and seek re-election. For now, his decision to bring forward the elections seeks to contain six months of wear and tear and prevent the right from continuing to grow, more mobilized than the left in this last appointment, according to The world.

Marked by the management of the pandemic and the open crisis worldwide with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Sánchez's management has managed to keep the Spanish economy afloat despite the increase in inflation, and have important legislative initiatives, such as the increase in the minimum wage, despite the internal tensions of the PSOE and Podemos executive.

The decision to dissolve the Cortes and bring forward the elections also means that Sánchez will resign from the current Spanish presidency of the European Union, which begins on July 1 and which was intended to set the EU agenda with a more focused approach towards Latin America, in search of an Agreement between both regions whose relations have historically been marked by the influence of Cuba.

Next, CyberCuba reproduces the steps to be able to participate in the aforementioned elections:

A) Residents in the consular demarcation (CERA vote)

Consultation of the electoral roll and complaints

The current electoral census for these elections is the one closed on March 1, 2023. Claims that have been estimated will be incorporated into this census.

For these purposes, during June 5 to 12, both included, an extraordinary electoral roll consultation service will be enabled. Said consultation may be made by any of the following means:

- In person, without the need for an appointment:

  • June 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., exclusively at the TRADE MARKET STORE (c/ Lamparilla, Habana Vieja), Local “E”, GROUND FLOOR.
  • June 10 and 11, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., exclusively at the Palacio de Velasco headquarters (c/ Zulueta).​ ​

​- By telematic means, without having to go to the Consular Office, at the address​, for which voters must identify themselves through the Cl@ve system.

Within the consultation period, between June 5 and 12, both inclusive, any person may present a claim to the Consular Office addressed to the Provincial Delegation of the Electoral Census Office against their exclusion or improper inclusion in the census, as well as update your registration details, in case they have changed after the census closes. Claims must be completed exclusively on the official form that will be provided by the Consular Office and must be accompanied by one of the following Spanish documents of the person requesting it: photocopy of the DNI, photocopy of the passport or photocopy of the driving license, or of a certification of Spanish nationality or a certificate of registration in the Consular Registration Registry if you do not have any of the previous documents.

Electoral documentation, voting modalities and deadlines for voting

Please note that it is no longer necessary to submit any application as a preliminary step to exercise your vote. The Provincial Delegations of the Electoral Census Office will send the electoral documentation to the registration address of each voter between June 17 and 24, a period to which must be added the time it takes for the documentation to arrive at the address abroad. In this first shipment, voters will receive the envelope with the address of the competent Electoral Board, the envelope with the address of the Consular Office in which they are registered, as well as the voting envelopes; certificates of registration in the census; and an information sheet with all the relevant information for voting.

The Provincial Delegations of the Electoral Census Office will make a second postal shipment with the ballots between June 28 and July 2, except in the event that there are challenges to the candidacies, in which case the sending could be delayed until July 8.

Voters will also be able to download the ballots from the moment the candidacies are announced and until July 20, through the link that will be enabled for this purpose and will be communicated promptly. If this route is used, it is recommended to carefully read the information contained in the web page that is enabled.

Voters, who must follow the instructions contained in the information sheet sent by the Provincial Delegation of the Electoral Census Office, may vote by any of the following means and within the following deadlines:

- You can send your vote by mail, certified, when possible, to the Consular Office no later than July 18. Envelopes received at the Consular Office will be valid until July 21 included. However, envelopes received before the final proclamation of candidatures will not be valid.

- You may cast your vote in the ballot box:

  • From July 15 to 20, both included.
  • From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • At the headquarters of the Consulate General of Spain in Havana located on the Lonja del Comercio (Lamparilla Street, Old Havana), ground floor, premises “E”.

The Consular Offices will guarantee the availability of official voting ballots in the centers enabled for depositing the vote in the ballot box, as well as voting envelopes and computer means for downloading the necessary documentation to vote during the days enabled for in-person voting.

Voters (CERA) who are temporarily in Spain during the electoral process

They may request, like residents in Spain, to vote by mail from May 30 to July 13 at any Postal Service office in Spain, and must send it no later than July 19.

B) Non-residents in the consular demarcation (ERTA vote)

People who are temporarily abroad, in order to vote from abroad, must be registered at the Consular Office as non-residents and request electoral documentation by presenting the official form at the Consular Office, no later than June 24. (including). Both procedures can be carried out simultaneously, at the following times:

  • May 31, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 June, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. , exclusively in the TRADE MARKET STORE (c/ Lamparilla, Habana Vieja), Local “E”, GROUND FLOOR.
  • June 10, 11 and 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., exclusively at the Palacio de Velasco headquarters (c/ Zulueta).

​On June 17 and 18, this procedure cannot be carried out in either of the two consular offices.

Once the documentation has been received from the Provincial Delegation of the Electoral Census Office, voters must send their vote by certified postal mail to the corresponding polling station in Spain, no later than July 19, following the instructions contained on the sheet. information received.

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