Former spy Gerardo Hernández on Cuba-Russia relations: "We good people have to help each other"

For the CDR coordinator, the links between the two nations respond to the brotherhood and solidarity of their people, who oppose "the suffocating aspirations of the United States."

The general coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), the former spyGerard Hernandez Nordelo, celebrated in Moscow the strengthening of ties between the Russian and Cuban regimes, and stated that "the good ones have to help each other".

"We live in a world in which the 'good' ones have to help each other, because the 'bad ones' are constantly harassing us and it is about further strengthening the political and economic ties between our countries," the Cuban official toldLatin Press.

Interviewed by this official media, Hernández Nordelo, member of the Council of State, referred with contempt to the suspicion that it causes among theCuban civil society the penetration of the Russian oligarchy into the economy and society of the island, whose latest decisions reveal the impact of movements approved among the leadership of the Cuban regime and which, according to several experts, put the sovereignty of the nation at risk.

“When you hear that the enemies of the revolution criticize something, that tells you that we are on the right path, and in recent days there have been many criticisms of this strengthening of relations with Russia. A sign that it hurts them and a sign that it is good for the people of Cuba and for the people of Russia,” said the official in Moscow.

Invited by the Russian Civic Chamber, the former spy of the failed Wasp Network assured that “there is nothing strange that two brother peoples come together and try to help each other.”

“We are very satisfied that these steps are being taken that lead to a strengthening of our economic relations,” celebrated Hernández Nordelo, who considered that “we are living in historic moments,” against the background ofRussian invasion of Ukraine, which Cuba refuses to condemnand justifies it on every occasion that presents itself.

For the CDR coordinator, the ties between the two nations respond to the brotherhood and solidarity of their people, who oppose "the aspirations of suffocation of the United States."

“Russia is a country blocked, besieged, threatened… a story that we know perfectly well because we have also lived for more than sixty years blocked, besieged, threatened,” said the official in charge of keeping active one of the longest-standing repressive organizations in the country. Cuban totalitarian regime.

In addition to strengthening ties with the Russian Civic Chamber, Hernández Nordelo paid tribute toFidel Castro in front of the monument erected to the dictator in Moscow.

With his vulgar and childish division of world geopolitics between "good guys" and "bad guys", the strategist of pot growing and giver of watering cans achieved something very difficult in the history of the oratory of "continuity": overcoming the primary verb of rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel, who at the end of MayHe described Cuba's relations with Russia as "strategic".

At the beginning of 2023, Russian experts from the Stolipin Institute of Growth Economics announced in Havana the creation of an Economic Transformation Centerto promote reforms in the Cuban economy.

According to the Russian state news agencySputnik, Russian specialists will supervise the preparation of a program to transform the Cuban economy that will be based on the development of private business.

“The decision was announced during the meeting of the Cuban president with the Russian commissioner for the protection of businessmen's rights, head of the Russia-Cuba Business Council,Borís Titov, held in Havana,” the Russian media stressed.

For the Siglo XXI ideas laboratory, an independent Cuban civil society organization based in Madrid, this agreement between the Cuban regime and the Russian oligarch Titov confirms its “transition towards a market mafia state like Putin's.”

“Those forces that in democratic countries with the rule of law and free markets have been advocating for constructive relations with the Cuban power elite must discard illusions and take due note that it has already decided, formally and publicly, to 'modernize' its mafia state in close alliance with the worst enemy of the West at this moment: Putin's Russia,” Siglo XXI said in a statement.

In mid-May, the XI Meeting of the Business Committee between Cuba and Russia was inaugurated in Havana, a meeting aimed atexplore Russian investment opportunities in sectors such as agri-food, technology or retail trade in Cuba.

Led by Titov, commissioner of the presidentVladimir Putin for the rights of businessmen and one of the most influential managers on trade issues, 52 Russian businessmen and women held meetings with a hundred of their Cuban counterparts at the Hotel Nacional.

At the meeting, the Russian oligarch said that Cuba has decisively opened the doors for his country to invest in the island, and gave as an examplethe transfer to Russian agricultural producers of Cuban land in usufruct for thirty years, among other agreements.

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