Cuban regime responds to revelations about Havana Syndrome: "It is Washington syndrome"

The Cuban Foreign Ministry recognized the regime's "concern" regarding the new scenario posed by the investigative work published by accredited international media.

The Cuban regime responded this Tuesday to thenew revelations about Havana Syndrome published in prestigious media after a year of coordinated investigations, denying its existence and describing the information as a “political operation” without foundations.

“It is the Washington Syndrome,” said the deputy director for the United States of the Cuban Foreign Ministry.Johana Tablada de la Torre, who considered that the publication of the report by the North American television networkCBS, the Russian magazineThe Insider and the GermanThe mirror It was a “propaganda” operation that seeks to revive “conspiracy theories.”

In statements to the agency's correspondentAP In the Habana,Andrea Rodriguez, the official of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX) recognized the “concern” of the regime given the new scenario posed by the investigative work of these accredited media outlets.

“This is not an investigation. The program that the chain has madeCBS, a powerful network in the United States, is unsustainable and inexplicable and, beyond the many adjectives and the presentation of witnesses pulled by the hair (sic) that have nothing to do with the story, today it is presented again not as "a journalistic investigation but rather as a political operation, as a propaganda operation," the official considered.

According to Tablada de la Torre, “Havana Syndrome does not exist, it is not registered in any disease registry andIt truly has been Washington syndrome from the beginning”.

In a surprising statement, the senior official used reports made during thetrump administration, to which he attributed a veracity that contrasts with previous accusations of falsehoods and maneuvers carried out against Cuba during the Republican's mandate.

“The public has a right to know that there are solid scientific reports commissioned by the Trump administration, such as theJason Report, which clearly concludes, so to speak, that the symptoms (which could be real) cannot be attributed to an extraordinary cause such as an attack, but rather are linked to natural conditions, pre-existing diseases or environmental issues," stated Tablada de la Torre. criticizing the chainCBS.

The investigation by the aforementioned media provided evidence that suggests that abnormal health incidents (AHI) - also known asHavana syndrome- may have their origins in the use of “directed energy weapons” wielded by members of Unit 29155 of Russia's military intelligence services (GRU).

As revealed by the extensive and detailed journalistic work, members of the Kremlin's military intelligence sabotage squad have been located at the sites of alleged attacks against US government personnel abroad and their families.

The revelations put the focus on Washington's statements and decisions related to the AHI, a confusing amalgam of investigations and explanations from the different intelligence agencies involved, which fails to identify a cause and a person responsible for the health problems of its officials. .

Furthermore, the evidence collected by investigative journalists reinforces the victims' doubts about what Washington knows about the origins of the Havana syndrome, in addition to raising questions about what appropriate response such an attack might imply for the victims. Occidental countries.

“From the perspective of science there is no foundation. I believe that this journalistic investigation does not provide serious elements, above all, that there is a new disease caused by a mysterious energy and that also the diplomats, at least those who were in Cuba, were attacked," he said in statements to theAP, the doctorMitchell Valdés-Sosa, director of the Cuban Neuroscience Center.

For the scientist commissioned by Havana to investigate the strange symptoms, such as "balance problems, sleep problems, dizziness, difficulties concentrating... Many diseases can cause it."

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