Lack of containers for eggs delays regulated distribution in Villa Clara

This was stated by the general director of the Poultry Company in Villa Clara, Lázara Montes de Oca.

Producción de huevos en Cuba. © CMHW
Egg production in Cuba. Photo © CMHW

Theshortage of containers to transporteggs delayed the distribution offood in the province ofVilla Clara, local authorities admitted to the official press.

The general director of the Poultry Company in Villa Clara, Lázara Montes de Oca, explained this Tuesday to the official radio stationCMHW that the lack of packaging in the country caused delays with the production and processing of eggs in the basic basket, corresponding to June.

He said that the distribution of 1,300,000 units of eggs in that territory is still pending, but that "before or on June 30 we will conclude deliveries to all warehouses in the province."

He commented that for July "the same thing does not have to happen" as May and June in the distribution of eggs, which has been done almost at the end of each month, "because egg production is maintained."

He also assured that the company has all the logistics to complete the distribution corresponding to June of five units per consumer in that province in the center of the island.

The egg that was always the savior of every meal on the Cuban table has recently become a prohibitive food.

Last May, a Cuban denounced that in the midst of the inflation that hits the population, the price ofa carton of eggs on the black market already reached 1,600 pesos in the municipality of Güines, province of Mayabeque.

“I really wouldn't want to make this type of publication, but it's getting out of hand, 1,600 pesos is worth a carton of eggs in Güines. Gentlemen, this is half the salary of any worker. Food is not a luxury, it is something that is necessary to live. As I usually say, Cuba is already dead!!!”commentedon that occasion on Facebook the user Rafael Gómez Acevedo.

Despite being considered the cheapest protein that exists, eggs are increasingly scarce in Cuba, due to the inability of the national industry to produce feed to feed the chickens, which is why it has become a highly coveted and very expensive product.

In mid-April, theinfluencer Yoandi Montiel Hernández, better known as El Gato de Cuba, who was released at the beginning of the month after spending almost two years in prison for political reasons,He was shocked by the high price of the egg on the black market.

“Hey, pay attention here, the egg...the worth 100 pesos, that is, the carton is worth 3 thousand. Look, here the chickens are the ones that lay the golden eggs,” commented the former politician with his usual grace in a short video broadcast on Facebook.

At the end of last year, for its part,The Cuban official press admitted that a carton of eggs cost over 1,200 pesos.

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