Imaray Ulloa sails through the Florida Keys wearing a crochet bikini

Imaray is passionate about the sea and enjoys going sailing with her partner.

Imaray Ulloa © Instagram de la artista
Why Ulloa Photo © Instagram of the artist

The Cuban actress and model Why Ulloa is thoroughly enjoying this summer, sailing the Mediterranean last week and the Florida Keys this weekend.

The artist loves the sea and He is not afraid of shipsOn the contrary, she is very relaxed about sailing, a passion she shares with her partner.

On his Instagram profile Imaray left his followers a greeting from Elliott Key, one of the Florida keys where he took a tour, in a boat flying the American flag.

The artist lusion one crochet set, in beige, which looks great on her and highlights her sculpted silhouette. The top is type bikini and the bottom one is pants.

"I was going to send you a 'I miss you' but they asked me out. The other week I miss you without fail"Imaray said in his post, as one of the jokes he usually throws at his followers on social networks.

Last week the artist was on holidays in Spain. There he also organized a walk for sail the Mediterranean, shopped for the latest European fashion and enjoyed the sun and good climate of Malaga.

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