National Assembly denies "moral authority" to the European Parliament to judge the Cuban regime

Popularly known as "raising hands" for their unanimous approval of the policies and laws of the totalitarian regime, the Cuban deputies dared to deny "moral authority" to the representatives of European democracies.

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European Parliament Foto © Flickr / Creative Commons

TheNational Assembly of People's Power (ANPP) This Wednesday he denied any moral, political or legal authority toEuropean Parliament (EP) to judge the Cuban regime, which this forum considers a violator of human rights and an ally of Russia in its invasion of Ukraine, among other issues denounced in its latestResolution about Cuba.

This July 12,The EP condemned the human rights violations perpetrated by the Cuban regime against protesters, opponents, religious leaders, human rights activists and independent artists, and urged the authorities to immediately end the policy of repression.

Likewise, he urged theEuropean Union (EU) to apply sanctions against those responsible for the repression, starting with the rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel and other senior officials of the regime.

Furthermore, he called for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners andthe review of the Cooperation and Political Dialogue Agreement (ACDP) by virtue of what is included in its so-called “human rights clause.”

The Resolution, presented by the European People's Party (center-right), Renew Europe (liberals) and Conservatives and Reformists (radical right),It was approved with 359 votes in favor, 226 against and 50 abstentions.. Socialists, the Greens and the Left opposed it.

The only institution directly elected by citizens in the EU, the European Parliament directly represents the citizens of the Union and exercises legislative power together with the Council of the EU. Composed of 705 deputies, the EP brings together the second largest democratic electorate in the world and represents more than 400 million voters in the 27 countries that make up the Union.

As you can see in yourportal, where its legislative activity is collected in detail and with complete transparency, the EP reflects all the diversity that freely expresses itself and participates in European political life, resulting in an action that embodies the democratic values of its citizens and respect for the plurality of ideas, manifest in the results of their votes.

However, for the ANPP - the forum where all deputies who are not directly elected by citizensThey raise their hands unanimously to support the laws and policies of the Cuban totalitarian regime-, the EP does not have “moral authority”.

This Wednesday, after the EP's condemnation resolution, theANPP International Relations Commission “strongly” rejected its content and emphasized that this institution “lacks the moral, political and legal authority to judge Cuba.”

"The text shows a high interventionist content, it defames not only the Cuban reality, its legal system and the rule of law, but also regarding the links that Cuba maintains with other States in a sovereign manner, in strict accordance with International Law," they considered. the Cuban deputies, accusing the European representatives of “double standards” and “complicit” in the “resurgence of Fascism” in Europe.

For the 605 deputies of the Cuban regime,all affiliates or sympathizers of the Communist Party, the EP Resolution was promoted by “a group of conservative and far-right MEPs, some with known links to anti-Cuban politicians in the United States, whose purpose is to hinder the current course of relations between Cuba and the European Union.”

“We appreciate the position of those MEPs who, attached to the evidence and historical truth, denounced that attacking the ongoing dialogue and cooperation is a servile tribute from the European extreme right to the policy of the United States Government against the Cuban people.” ,said those known in Cuba as “raising hands”.

For the regime's deputies, the EP Resolution serves the interests of the United States and attacks those of "the companies of the community bloc that invest in Cuba or are interested in doing so."

"We warn that adopting this Resolution that singles out a Latin American and Caribbean country, violates the principles of respect, inclusion and cooperation with which it is intended to organize the Third CELAC-EU Summit, to be held in a few days in Brussels, and may raise doubts about the objectives of a European Union that seeks to relaunch its relations with Latin America and the Caribbean,” threatened the ANPP, instructed by the Cuban Foreign Ministry, fearful of the future of the ACDP and a possible European turn in relations with Cuba.

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