Checkera does her thing in the new episode of Vivir del Cuento: "Happy birthday?"

Pánfilo as a magician, Checkbook as a clown, Isidoro in charge of the games, Voltmeter as a photographer, that and much more promises the birthday party of this new episode.

Captura episodio "¿Feliz cumpleaños?" © YouTube / PanfiloYMas
Capture episode "Happy Birthday?" Photo © YouTube / PanfiloYMas

Live the story released a new chapter this Monday, “Happy Birthday?”, another opportunity for Chequera to do his thing, proposing one of his great ideas.

While Pánfilo and Meriño are focused on the casualties for the supply book and finding explanations to understand why deceased people, even after 20 years, are still in the book, Chequera tries to pick up a girl.

Pablito's birthday surprises Pánfilo and his neighbors, but the boy argues that he does not want the “little reason” that his mother prepared for him because he does not like those “celebrations that praise consumption and banality,” especially in the midst of the critical situation that live the world.

Checker takes matters into her own hands and after inventing a lie, she organizes Pablito's birthday celebration at none other than Pánfilo's house, but her purpose was to impress the girl she was trying to conquer.

Pánfilo as a magician, Checkbook as a clown, Isidoro in charge of the games, Voltmeter as a photographer, that and much more promises this party, but things get tangled when some thieves disguised as a magician and a clown enter the birthday party with a clear mission: steal everything. of value that they find in the place.

Faustino Pérez, Jorge Luis Espinosa, Liudmila Alonso, Roberto Perdomo and Rodrigo Amador were the guest artists on this occasion.

Live the storyIt continues to be one of the most anticipated programs by Cuban viewers, and users on the networks are already wondering when the episode will come out. “Pánfilo's MSME” that they just announced.

According to Luis Silva, this episode is still in the recording process and the premiere will take place in August, and many predict that it will be complete fun.

The new season of the comedy began at the beginning of July; in the new chaptersPánfilo received a mysterious inheritance andRebeca Martínez taught the neighbors how to do aerobics.

However, there have been no shortage of problems, since theconstant blackouts interrupt the filming process.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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