The witty reaction of a taxi driver every time he stumbles over potholes in Havana: "Long live Fidel"

"Every time I hit a pothole it seemed like the old almendron was going to fall apart into a thousand pieces."

Taxis en La Habana © CiberCuba
Taxis in Havana Photo © CiberCuba

The Cuban contemporary art critic Jorge Gómez de Mello recounted the witty reaction of a taxi driver in Havana, who, before every pothole that threatened to ruin his vehicle, evoked the dictator Fidel Castro.

According to his story, he took a taxi on the corner of Galiano and Neptuno bound for El Vedado and lived a hilarious experience aboard an almendrón, which despite the driver's skill, could not save himself from continually falling into the potholes on the street. Neptune, in Central Havana.

"I took a taxi on the corner of Neptuno and Galiano bound for El Vedado, a rather dilapidated 1955 Chevrolet. I sat next to the driver, a young man who did not look at his passengers and responded with very few words to any question or comment they made to him," he commented inFacebook.

He said that "no matter how much he maneuvered, it was impossible not to fall into some of the potholes that abound in the streets of Havana; every time he bumped into one it seemed like the old almendrón was going to fall apart into a thousand pieces."

Publication inFacebook

"At every pothole the driver muttered in a very low voice and with furious resignation: long live Fidel."

Several Cubans have commented on the publication and affirm that the name of the late leader of the so-called Cuban revolution "is evoked by every pothole, by the falling balconies, the destroyed aqueducts, the dying thermoelectric plants."

Others assured that Castro "is absolutely responsible for the disaster that we have been experiencing for more than 60 years."

Just six days ago the Cuban regime recognized that the75% of the country's roads and circulation routes are in a technical state between fair and bad.

Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, head of Transportation, presented the data before the Commission for Attention to Services of the Cuban Parliament and said that the government has been unable to stop the rate of deterioration of the roads, which increases every year.

The road situation in Cuba represents a significant challenge for the communist Government, since it directly affects the quality of life of citizens and the provision of essential services. In recent years the level of accidents on public roads as a result of the poor condition of the streets has been increasing, and some evenmotorists have lost their lives due to a pothole.

Some gaps are so large that in Februarya public transport bus She was trapped in one on 4th Street in San Miguel del Padrón, in Havana.

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