A poultry farm for the sale of quail eggs for currency was inaugurated onThe ruined structure of a country school in Pinar del Río.
The farm, located in the old Lázaro Acosta Paulín high school, near the town of Briones Montoto, is the first of an experiment that is intended to extend throughout the country.reportedGranma.
Although the investment rose to 26 million pesos and the first batch of 4,000 birds has already begun its adaptation on one of the floors of the facility, those responsible for the experiment recognize that the adaptation of the birds to this has yet to be confirmed in practice. type of spaces, with different levels and different temperatures and incidence of wind.
However, the intention of the experiment is to check if poultry farming works in this type of construction that has not been used for a long time, he toldGranma Juan Carlos Cruz González, general director of the Livestock Assurance and Comprehensive Service Company, in charge of the project.
The “farm” has capacity for about 120,000 quails and can provide 24.2 million eggs annually, said the official, who acknowledged that 35% of the production will be destined for sale in foreign currency, with the purpose of obtaining the necessary financing. to acquire feed to feed the birds.
“That is the way to sustain the program,” he explains.
The experiment arose after Hurricane Ian destroyed more than 40% of the poultry buildings in Pinar del Río and because these ruined structures are more resistant to hurricanes.
In a second stage of the investment, a mini-industry will be added to pickle quail eggs and process the meat of birds that conclude their productive stage.
At this time, he assuresGranma, another farm is built in another school in the abandoned countryside of Pinar del Río that will house about 70,000 chickens and will be dedicated to egg production.
According to a report from last January, the second location will be the former Oscar Sánchez Ozuna high school.
Hurricane Ian destroyed 133 poultry buildings of the 331 that existed in Pinar del Río, which is equivalent to 40.18%. Only 92 of them have been recovered, and 91,242 square meters of roof had to be invested to make them functional.
Recently, it was also known that the regime also intends to convert some of these ruins into“self-consumption farms”, as part of its strategy to boost food production.
In mid-July, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz traveled to the Quivicán municipality to check “the project to transform a school in the countryside into a self-consumption farm attached to the Palace of the Revolution.”
At the end of last year, it was learned that some educational institutions, such as the Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara Vocational Pre-University Institute of Exact Sciences of Villa Clara,They have been used for the construction of homes for people in vulnerable situations.
The Cuban regime has also resorted tothe raising of semi-rustic chickens and quails in various areas of the countryto make up for the shortage of eggs, in the context of the food crisis that Cuba is suffering.
It is believed that these birds are easier to feed due to the lack of industrial feed for raising other breeds. Rustic chickens are kept on alternative food and green grass and the quail is an animal that consumes less food and its production time is relatively short.
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