Alexis Valdés remembers Cuban soap opera "From your dream to my dream" with a luxury cast

This is the fiction series starring Jacqueline Arenal and Rolando Brito and directed by Eduardo Moya, which recreated the times of the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship.

Alexis Valdés junto a Rolando Brito, Carlos Ramírez y Raúl Ávila © Facebook / Alexis Valdés
Alexis Valdés with Rolando Brito, Carlos Ramírez and Raúl Ávila Photo © Facebook / Alexis Valdés

“From your dream to my dream” is one of the Cuban soap operas in which he participated Alexis Valdes along with a luxury cast that brought together renowned artists from the island.

The Cuban actor dusted off a photo on their social networks of this fiction series starring Jacqueline Arenal and Rolando Brito which recreates the times of the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista and which premiered in 1991.

"Good 'ol times. Remember? 'From your dream to my dream' with Carlitos Ramírez, Rolando Brito, me (as always playing the clown). Enjoy the look that Brito gives me, by the way, one of the most enormously talented actors of that time and it reminds me of the other actor's name. Sorry for this old memory,” Alexis wrote in the description of the post.

Capture Facebook / Alexis Valdés

The comedian also remembered other artists who were part of this cast: “In this series there were also Jacqueline Arenal (that's where we met), Irela Well done, Jorge Perugorría, Héctor Noas, Jorge Félix Alí, Sally Ramos, and many many excellent actors and actresses. Put more names please. Year 88 or year 89 there. Directed by Eduardo Moya.”

Several Internet users took it upon themselves to remember that the other actor who is part of the photo is Raúl Ávila.

One of those who reacted to his publication was precisely Hector Noas: “Beautiful memories. My first major job on television. There were also: Katia Caso, Arturo Sotto, Oscar Llaguno, Zaida Castellanos, Dianelys Brito, Orlando Casín. What times of good work!”

Capture Facebook / Alexis Valdés

Alexis' Facebook post had more than 200 comments, many of them remembering this stage of Cuban television as a golden era in which great productions were made that have gone down in history.

Some could not help but notice that in their opinion programs like those are no longer made and that many of those great actors have left Cuba.

What do you think?


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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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