Details of shipwreck in Artemisa revealed: "The boat sank in seconds"

The owner of the boat, known as Monguito, died in the shipwreck. As of Thursday night, his body had not been recovered.

Lancha guardafronteras de Cuba (Imagen de referencia) © MININT
Cuban border guard boat (Reference image) Photo © MININT

One of the two survivors of the recent shipwreck off the coast of Artemisa revealed that theboat with its occupants, three fishermen, sank in a few seconds.

Carlos Castro, 51, was the second of those rescued. remainedmore than 18 hours at sea, most of them tied to a plastic tank.

"He couldn't take it anymore. Imagine, it was a 75 liter plastic tank, the lid was missing, because in the desperation of the night, the tank was full of oil, the water lid fell off and it was very uncomfortable because Since it was big, it was more uncomfortable for him to hug it and put a hand on the lid so that water wouldn't get in. He even felt something that rubbed his belly too, an animal. He says that he leans down like that to rest, because. He couldn't take it anymore, and from afar he sees the wide one and starts screaming...", he toldMartí News his stepson,Midiel Pérez.

ThePura María fishing boat sank on July 24 at night near Majana beach, on the southern coast of the Artemisa province.

According to what Carlos Castro told his stepson Midiel,It submerged in a matter of seconds.

According to the testimony, the boat had a problem with one of the hoses that is connected to the engine, which removes the water. When the fishermen realized it, the hose couldn't do it anymore.

"They were fishing, they were already coming back," he stressed.

Castro saved his life thanks to the fact that the other crew member was an experienced diver. This manHe swam for about ten hours before a boat helped him at sea and report what happened.

"He told him: 'Look, take this tank and stay here, I'm going to try to go to the shore. I'm going to the shore to look for help, because if we both stay here, we're both going to die here,'" Midiel described.

HeThe deceased was the owner of the boat, known as Monguito. As of Thursday night, his body had not been recovered.

"Since he was the owner of the boat, seeing that he lost everything... the boat. He started foaming at the mouth, my stepfather grabs him from behind, helps him, he doesn't see, until he dies there in his arms." "he explained.

Castro added that his stepfather was transferred to the Ciro Redondo García General Teaching Hospital, in the Artemisa municipality. They gave him oxygen and then discharged him.

For his part, the 57-year-old diver who reported the tragedy also received medical attention for moderate dehydration, but was in good health. After recovering, he joined the search for his deceased colleague.

"Despite his condition, he was able to explain that he was on board a boat that sank around 10 p.m. on Monday, July 24, in the La Capitana area, on the south coast," the weekly reported.The Artemiseño.

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