Raúl Torres says he has no escape strategy: "I am a revolutionary and a Fidelist"

“I am grateful!... I am not going to go anywhere other than my own people to whom I owe everything I am!” reaffirmed the singer-songwriter.

Raúl Torres defiende sus elecciones de vida pescando clarias en Matanzas © Facebook / Raúl Torres Candil - Oficial
Raúl Torres defends his life choices fishing clarias in Matanzas Photo © Facebook / Raúl Torres Candil - Official

Raul Torres, a fervent defender of the Cuban regime and author of ballads and pamphlets, revealed this Friday that he does not have any escape strategy from Cuba in mind, because in his heart he is a convinced “revolutionary and Fidelista.”

“I don't have any escape strategy, I'm grateful to have lived in the heart of other countries with other systems where I could perfectly prostitute my verses and make songs without spirit, with even rude lyrics to earn a lot of money,” said the singer-songwriter inFacebook.

Screenshot Facebook / Raúl Torres Candil - Official

For the author of the topic "Homeland or Death for Life", considered by the search engine Google asthe worst song of 2021, his principles come before his material and economic interests, to the point of having rejected – in his own words – juicy commercial contracts that did not correspond to his convictions.

“I had no shortage of proposals from transnational companies to capitulate with the poetry that has always characterized me and my particular way of playing the lyre and interpreting my songs... I always said no... Even when the contract reached 7 figures I said "No, and I didn't tremble," said the Matanzas troubadour.

In his publication, where he shared a photo of himself fishing under a bridge, he assured that he could live with “a chicharrón”, or “with a river and a nylon for fishing with a hook”, because, although many are not, he is a “grateful” person for the so-called “revolution”.

"I am grateful, I am a revolutionary and I am a Fidelist!... I am not going to go anywhere other than my own people to whom I owe everything I am!" Torres reaffirmed in a post full of kitsch typical of the crude propaganda of the Cuban regime.

His image fishing on the bank of a river or canal is the visual correlate of the grotesque intervention of the Cuban vice prime minister.Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca before theNational Assembly of People's Power, in which he proposed thatFamilies raise fish in ponds built in their neighborhoods, as a way to improve nutrition.

“There was something I didn't want to step on, there was a lot I didn't want to risk, there was a love in the distance to which I wanted to return, even though I always carried it in my heart... and it was my Cuba that I couldn't postpone any longer,” Torres said, explaining the sentimental reasons for his return to the Island, despite the “seven-figure” offers that were allegedly made to him abroad.

Torres, who announced in April of last year thatput his recording studio up for sale, uses his social networks with evident cyclothymic impulses. Before, in February, he complained aboutnot having been invited to the San Remo Music Awards Festival in Havana, among whose organizers was the “not first lady”Lis Cuesta Peraza, wife of the rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel.

"Well, I announce that I will not participate in that festival, San Remo, but because they have not invited me," said the artist on Facebook; where he also stated thatHe hasn't been invited to sing at festivals since he composed "The Return of the Friend" in 2013., a song dedicated to the late Venezuelan presidentHugo Chavez.

The quality of this is similar to that of "Patria o Muerte por la Vida", composed as a response to the successful song "Patria y Vida" which, under the authorship ofYotuel Romero and with the participation ofLocal People, Descemer Good and the Cuban rappersMaykel Osorbo andThe Funky, became an anthem of freedom for Cubans.

Pulling the whistle, Torres stated this Friday that he had rejected the opportunity to be a millionaire (it is unknown where and in what currency) to resume "singing to the Revolution, to the country and to the heroes and founding fathers of my island."

“I couldn't leave so much history so elevated without singing, I couldn't leave the land that taught me to be a free black man without my chords and my hoarse and outdated voice but my patriotic and revolutionary voice... I couldn't,” the author of "He left", a bard who stayed on the island suffering the agony of not eating fish... despite having been the millionaire he never was.

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