Horse pulling car with children collapses on Havana street

“He fainted due to the high temperatures and lack of water,” argued a witness

And horse used to walk children pulling a car in the Luyanó neighborhood, in the Havana municipality of Diez de Octubre, he fainted in the middle of the street this Thursday, according to a witness reported toCyberCuba.

Images sent to our editorial office show the animal half-lying on the ground making unsuccessful efforts to get up, while dozens of people watch the painful scene.

In the video you can see how some men try to lift the animal at all costs, and someone is even heard saying that they should hit it with a machete so that the horse reacts.

At least in the images sent, it is not seen that in the middle of the mass of observers anyone tries to give water to the horse. You do hear someone say that what happened was normal because “I had been wandering around since the morning.”

“He fainted due to the high temperatures and lack of water”, argued the witness who sent us the video, who specified that the animal was used to pull a car that drives the children of the neighborhood and that it is the same one used to “throw garbage.”

The same source reported that the unfortunate incident occurred around 6:30 pm on August 10 and that In the end the animal managed to get up from the ground with the intervention of some of those present.

It is not known what happened to the horse afterwards.

Despite the approval of theAnimal Welfare Law Decree in 2021, numerous Cuban animal activists assure that mistreatment persists, in some cases with the complicity of the authorities.

At the beginning of August, animal activist Betty BatistaHe snatched a pony from a man who was mistreating him in the middle of the street and sheltered the animal inside his own house in Havana until the authorities arrived.

In that case, Batista published a video on his social networks where he was seen confronting the owners of the animal when they went to claim it and telling them that he would only hand it over if someone left him an official document so that it could be located by the Police.

Batista explained that he had been warning those responsible for the pony for three days not to mistreat him, but they continued to treat him with "sticks and cookies."

In November of last year, animal activist Yenney Caballero reported another episode of abuse, in that case in San José de las Lajas, province of Mayabeque, where a horse pulling a cart collapsed on the public road and its owner began whipping the animal. In that case, after the complaint was filed, the authorities confiscated the animal, but the animal rights activist suffered several threats.

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