A young man from the province of Holguín took his own life in the early hours of this Tuesday, less than a week after another teenager fatally injured himself in the same town.
The young man, known as Canelo, hanged himself at 5:00 am on Tuesday, his cousin Yunier Campaña Ramírez confirmed on Facebook.
"Damn cousin, so young with so much life ahead of you and to receive the sad news that you left us at 500 in the morning, that hurts all of us, those of us who are far away, those who are close and all of us who love you." hand," he said in an emotional farewell post.
He stated that it was ayoung funny and nice.
Last week, a young Cuban man of barely 20 years old who had left Compulsory Military Service (SMA) committed suicide in his home in the province of Holguín, they confirmed toCyberCuba their families.
A cousin of the deceased identified as Lisaydis Velázquez stated that the young man, Gabriel López Ávila, died after self-harming: "He stabbed himself in the stomach," she explained.
Suicide rates have skyrocketed in Cuba amid theclimate of scarcity and hopelessness that overwhelms the population. Several cases of young people taking their own lives after completing Compulsory Military Service have also been reported.
Last Wednesday, Reinier Leyva Thomas, from Guatanamo, was found dead, who had been reported missing by his family since last August 6 in that province. An official Facebook page (Miguel Noticias) said he committed suicide.
The previous Saturday, a young Cuban doctor who worked at the University of Medical Sciences in the province of Las Tunas also took his own life, causing a great commotion among his family, friends and relatives.
The apparent suicide of two young people in Holguín who stood on the train tracks holding hands was also in the news.
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