Emilio Estefan after meeting with the Pope: "Incredible meeting talking about how we can be examples"

"Special visit today, more information soon" he had said in a previous publication

Emilio Estefan y el © Instagram / Emilio Estefan
Emilio Estefan and the Photo © Instagram / Emilio Estefan

Emilio Estefan shared on his networks a photo of his meeting with Pope Francis.

"Amazing meeting talking about how we can be examples and spread love, freedom and unity to the next generation and the world!" he wrote in the publication that closed with the hashtag "love always wins" (in English).

Although he did not give more details, his followers began to comment on the image, many celebrating the meeting and others reproaching him for meeting the Supreme Pontiff, for his position regarding the repression in Cuba or his recent meeting with Díaz-Canel.

"Everything is possible with God, Love and Faith"; "Wow my King! How proud of you! What an honor to meet with the Holy Father! God bless you!"; "May good blessings and good vibes continue to be close, joy and pure family life"; "What a wonderful visit"; "What a great experience Emilio. Congratulations."; "The best pope of recent times; A progressive pope."; "How happy, with the Holy Father," some commented to him.

"So much hypocrisy. You have so much, you are so valuable..."; "That image is not sensible, a pope who has abandoned his needy people in Cuba first. May God forgive him!"; "With a communist who supports dictatorial regimes"; "How do you shake the hand of that man who, when the people took to the streets in Cuba on 7/11, he did not say a word, this pope is a communist"; "The left always unites. Remember that it rejected the Cubans in the Vatican and expelled them from its flags"; "They asked him why he doesn't care about the Cuban people? And why do they receive nothing more and nothing less than the dictator Díaz-Canel in the Vatican," others reacted.

A day before this photo, Emilio Estefan had shared another, where he is seen posing together with one of the members of the Vatican's Swiss guard.

"Special visit today, more information soon," he said in his publication that closed with the same hashtag.

This is not the first time, however, that Emilio and Gloria Estefan coincide with Pope Francis. In 2013, they met when she visited Rome to attend the TEDx conference, sponsored by the Vatican.

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