Two dolphins captured on video in Matanzas Bay

The animals were recorded from a great distance, with a mobile phone.

A Cuban who was walking around Matanzas Bay was surprised to discover the fins oftwo dolphins swimming through the area calmly.

The sighting of dolphins is not common in these waters and hence the surprise of the man from Matanzas who regretted not having had a better camera to record this impressive moment.

"Incredible,two dolphins swimming through theMatanzas Bay. I didn't have my camera up, only my cell phone and I could only make this video with a zoom and very low quality," said Leonel Rufín Alfonso on Facebook.

Facebook City of Matanzas in Photos

He explained that at first he thought it was a shark, when he saw the dorsal fins, but he quickly realized that they were "dolphins and very big."

This week in the same bay some CubansThey captured a tiger shark of large dimensions. They caught him near the thirteen-story area of Matanzas known as El Bajío.

Users on social networks regretted the fishing of a species like this that they claim is in danger of extinction.

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